College/sexy historical ships/meme/summer goals

Apr 26, 2009 22:56

  1. I've been hoping that I won't be at the same school next fall, but I have yet to hear from the schools I applied to in terms of admission and financial aid and all that. So I registered for classes just in case. And I'm pretty psyched about my schedule.

    TR 8:00 AM - Intro to Communications
    TR 9:30 AM - Grammar and Style (no idea what this is, but ( Read more... )

college, cherry jones, 24

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pageup April 27 2009, 03:10:02 UTC
I'm game for the meme.
And yes, you must write Allison fic (hey you used her name as opposed to juicy fruits). And it must be scandalous or near scandalous, like an almost affair or something like Remains of the Day with Ethan.


whenidream May 7 2009, 13:13:09 UTC
1. Same reason as you...I think I vaguely knew you from Mary times too, but you were also among the awesome people who were around when Martha/Aaron was a thing, which is when the adding occurred. Although I would definitely say it's been even awesomer getting to know you more recently, what with having this strange other fandom to bond over ( ... )


pageup May 7 2009, 23:15:03 UTC
3. You know there are times when I have half the mind to make a community to moan about fangirls (and not just Mary ones) and how they act. I probably won't mind you but still the fact remains I can be a total bitch about people use word licious stuck on the end of any name ( ... )


whenidream May 7 2009, 23:31:44 UTC
4. I know! God, it would be such a great reunion. I hope he's back for season 8, though. She'll need a new Chief of Staff.

5. Oh man that sucks, sorry dude. :( You turned out pretty awesome despite all that, though.


pageup May 7 2009, 23:41:07 UTC
4. More hugs of unnecessarily long durations - we can but hope. Maybe a threeway hug with Henry in there too.

5.Thanks! That sounded like a whole heap of misery and really it wasn't that bad. If nothing else it gave me my independent streak to bugger off and live in London for year, or go to Paris on my lonesome at the end of the month.


whenidream May 7 2009, 23:47:09 UTC
4. lmfao the first thing that came to mind when you said that was the Steve Carell/Stephen Colbert/Jon Stewart hug at the Emmys when Ricky Gervais wasn't there to accept his award.

5. Oh man yeah, seriously, the good thing about stuff like that is that it inspires you to get out and do awesome things instead. You lived in London for a year?


pageup May 7 2009, 23:52:38 UTC
4. Hahaha it has to be said that I too was picturing all three dancing around and cheering that Ethan was back. I really want that now lol, oh and then the obligatory picture with Ethan pointing.

5. Yup, worked as a researcher at the Houses of Parliament for a year before I ditched the job, came home and studied law. I did a 2 month stint doing the same job on Capitol Hill too in 2005.


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