College/sexy historical ships/meme/summer goals

Apr 26, 2009 22:56

  1. I've been hoping that I won't be at the same school next fall, but I have yet to hear from the schools I applied to in terms of admission and financial aid and all that. So I registered for classes just in case. And I'm pretty psyched about my schedule.

    TR 8:00 AM - Intro to Communications
    TR 9:30 AM - Grammar and Style (no idea what this is, but it has the word "grammar" in it so I'm excited)
    TR 11:00 AM - History of the Cinema
    TR 12:30 PM - Women in Literature & Film I

    TR = Tuesday/Thursday, which is all kinds of awesome. Right now I'm on MWF which is just an enormous pain in the ass trying to find time for work and homework and everything, so I imagine it'll solve all that madness.

  2. Okay seriously, writing a paper on RFK was the worst idea ever, because I am now filled with hate for one of my favorite historical figures in the world. What a little bitch. But the silver lining to all of this is that I now ship him with his brother's wife and appreciate all the sex they had, and here's why:
    " could see how they might have had a mad, morbid attraction to each other under the circumstances, because they were the two persons most wounded by the president's death." - Coates Redman

    "I was looking out a window on the third floor and could see onto the Kennedy property. There was Jackie, beside her house, sunbathing on the grass, wearing a black bikini bottom with no top. Then Bobby, wearing a white swimsuit, emerged from the house and knelt by her side. As they began to kiss, he placed one hand on her breast and the other between her legs, on the outside of her bikini bottom." - Mary Harrington
  3. Meme times!

    Ask, and I will...
    1. Tell you why I friended you.
    2. Associate you with something - fandom, a song, a color, a photo, a word etc.
    3. Tell you something I like about you.
    4. Tell you a memory I have of you.
    5. Ask something I've always wanted to know about you.
    6. Tell you my favorite user pic of yours.
    7. In return, you must post this in your LJ.

    I will most likely answer this on Friday because that's when my classes end. Or maybe before then, procrastination-wise.
  4. On that note, once I'm done with the semester, I plan to do the following:
    1. Write 24 fic. Something scandalous with Allison, that's all I know so far.
    2. Write another pretentious TV essay.
    3. Change up my icons and get a new layout, preferably something springy.
    4. Play that rad neopets board game with fuyu_ginga again at some point. Now that it's summer, I love any excuse to use my laptop fan.
    5. Watch all 3 of Cherry Jones' "watch instantly" movies on netflix. Like, in a row or something. I don't even know. I mostly just want to see Swimmers since she met Sarah Paulson on the set of that one. But whatever, I think I'll enjoy all of them.
    6. Do some script-writing, yo. I may literally get that bored.
    7. Visit my high school a million times.
    8. Hang out with my RL friends. Who are, in fact, real people. And not just figments of my imagination.

college, cherry jones, 24

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