Re: my last post

Jan 20, 2009 18:42

I know I came off as kind of wound up and crazy but I seriously want to know what you guys think about this. I mean, half of my flist is 24 fans. I want to know if you think, yes, the writers are idiots, or no, they're not. Maybe you think I'm being a dumbass and blowing this completely out of proportion because I'm sad about a couple of characters. Or that I'm a self-righteous asshole who thinks she knows what's right and wrong in television despite being 18 years old and never having completed a script. Let me know if you feel that way, because I can work on it. I want to know if you think they've done something that was too far, and if they do, how you deal with it and keep watching. Also, I don't want anyone to get the impression that I was saying anything bad on behalf of anyone who watches the show, because it really is great television most of the time. I just think it's socially irresponsible, and I think the people who write it function in plot twists and easy assumptions instead of truly inventing the beautiful moments and connections we see onscreen.

I realize this is only fair if I comment on your posts too--and honestly, the premiere didn't excite me that much (except for maybe the third episode), so I didn't really bother to read people's recaps and reactions, but I'm trying to now. I want to have discussions about the show. That's why I added all of you in the first place, and if that stops because of the hiatus or whatever, I just think that really sucks.


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