Christmas times/Damages - season 1

Dec 25, 2008 12:09

On this fabulous day, I have decided to stop being the year-round self-absorbed bitch that I am for a very short time and share some things. I made a fanmix and a few icons. I've made really shitty icons for like a zillion years, but I forgot how easy it is to be creative when completely sleep-deprived. I took advantage of that last night and I'm pretty cool with the results. But I didn't have time to make that many icons because it was 3 in the morning and, you know, Christmas was impending. I did my best, though. They're mostly of Allison Janney, and the rest are split between Tina Fey/Amy Poehler, Mary Steenburgen, Laura Linney, and season 5 of House. I also did a small fanmix reflecting the randomness and craziness of my Andre love. I linked them up above, but if you missed it, both can be found at spontaneosity.

Usually I hate Christmas Eve, but as you can see I was pretty productive, and also fuyu_ginga and I played a board game on Neopets for like a zillion years, lmao. We are obviously the coolest in the world. So it ended up being a fabulous evening. Plus, someone wrote an amaaazing fic for me for yuletide. My request was basically just a funny 30 Rock fic revolving around Kenneth, and I'm totally psyched about the end result. There are so many hilarious details that are just 100% Kenneth. I'll be linking to mine whenever we're allowed to, since it's like a Secret Santa thing.

Speaking of presents, I totally got How to Beat the High Cost of Living from my parents, which I think is a fabulous and optimistic approach for these really foolish economic times. I'll definitely be watching it every day.

Sidenote: everyone should check out this, which is probably the greatest thing ever posted to bsg_comicses.

I just finished season 1 of Damages a few days ago and have been totally lazy about posting my reaction, but I figured Christmas is obviously the best time to post something of that nature.

Shit, guys. This show is off the fucking hook. I have no words. NO WORDS. PLOT TWISTS AND EVIL PEOPLE GAHHH.

lmao okay, so when I said I had no words, I really meant it. Let's just assume that for every batshit fucked-up epic thing that happened on this show, my reaction and/or comment is something along the lines of "OMFG SHIT WHAT THE FUCK." Because it's true.

Let me just say that the writing on this show is just brilliant. The people who made it are obviously vastly more intelligent than me, and that doesn't really bother me because I like to be entertained sometimes. And the acting is remarkable. Rose Byrne's character kind of annoys me, but I think she does a really good job with it. Glenn Close is fantastic at playing the bitch, as usual. I don't give her as much credit as I should since I kind of hate her for being so bland, but she's up there. Ted Danson was absolutely perfect. Frobisher was such a sleazy jackass and he played it so realistically. He didn't try to show the "innocent" side of the character. He had an obsession with land and power, he loved his kids, he wanted people to like him, but none of those were really things to be sympathetic to. Or at least he didn't make me sympathetic about it, which I think is an incredible challenge for an actor, resisting the natural urge to cheapen those things.

So obviously I have to talk about Andre because he's like the sole reason I started watching this show and he continued to get my attention over the course of the season. So here it is: Ray Fiske is amazing. AMAZING. He is hilarious and adorable and fascinating all at the same time. I don't even know how to explain him. In this one episode, he and Patty were waiting in this hallway to talk to the judge who was ruling over their trial, and Patty was just like, walking back and forth, and he was leaning on the windowsill and humming. And when they got called in, he kept humming. Like, why would he even think about stopping? It was so awkward and endearing. And then there was this other scene where this girl yelled at his secretary and stormed into his office while he was meeting with 2 guys, and he called it a "fine surprise" and told the two guys to stand up in her presence because she was a woman. He's totally traditional and polite and classy, and somehow it doesn't get in the way of him being a brilliant lawyer and saying what needs to be said. Also, his accent? Oh, my god. Every time he speaks I melt into a puddle. What a fucking weird accent, but I love it anyway. I am just 100% in love with him. It's truly disheartening to me that I'm not in a position to marry him, for like 15 really good reasons, among them gender, marriage, age, sexual orientation, sexual orientation again, the fact that he's a fictional's all very unfortunate.

I really think he deserved that Emmy, because as a writer, I think you can't do a lot with a character like that. The eccentric lawyer type, it's been done. But this wasn't that. You know, he wasn't just doing weird stuff and sitting away from everyone, which is how you generally write that type of character. He had lunches and meetings with people, lots of eye contact, etc, which you can't typically do with that type of character. Except it was perfect with him. The interactions made his eccentricities (is that a word? It is now) stand out even more. I don't really think writing can do all that. Ray was a remarkable character even before the secrets started coming out. I thought 1x11 was all he was about, but it's not just that. He was just this little oddball guy with or without the drama or the plot twists.

After watching the whole season of this...maybe it was just familiarity or seeing his name in the credits with every episode, but I kind of feel like I'm in a place where I can stop calling him Andre. Then again, I don't really want to, because it makes this entire fandom seem kind of endearing to me. I love being the girl who fangirls someone and calls him Andre based on a character he played almost 7 years ago because she's too insecure to use his real name. I like being a little screwed up, I guess. I've enjoyed this experience immensely, just because I love freaking out about random shit and basking in the unpredictability of it all. I think if I act like a normal person and call him by his real name it will just depress me and make me think that maybe the fun, spontaneous, embarrassing part is over.

damages, glenn close, željko ivanek, 30 rock

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