Jan 23, 2008 21:16

Seriously, guys, I'm expecting questions about The Emperor's New Groove. :P

I got an 88 on my Physics quiz!!! I have a C+ now!!! HAPPY TIMES.

Anyway, jillkins did this. So I'm doing it. It is basically a very brief history of my movie/TV/person fandoms. I would go into more details, but I would bore myself to death, so this is just a circumstancial explanation of my semi-epic list of all the people I heart and when I liked them. You can find the list HERE.

So I started off with Julie Andrews. I was in a "community theatre" version of The Sound of Music - and don't even get me started on that, because those stupid plays were like the biggest waste of my life. Ugh. Anyway, I was like, whatever, I guess I should see the movie and become more familiar with it. Cut to me being totally obsessed with her, you know...happy times. This was shortly before 6th grade, I think. Anyway, that happened, although it would be years until I understood how fandom actually works, so I just let it sit there, watched a few more movies if they came my way, etc. Then there was Maggie Smith. Watched her in Sister Act, recognized her from Harry Potter...pretty much the same thing there. These are all very unexciting. Okay, so I think Julia Roberts came after that. I really have no clue why. Oh wait, yeah I do. Ocean's 11. And before this I had basically only heard of her, so I was like "Oh. So that was Julia Roberts. Huh." So then I moved on to Audrey Hepburn (although she might have been before, because I really don't have a specific date on either of them), which is when I kind of became all excited about the fact that I liked 3 British people. So I got 2 stuffed monkeys, planned on getting another one, and named them Julie and Maggie. It was like the greatest achievement of my life. Good times. After that--or maybe in between--there was Mary Steenburgen. I had been obsessed with Back to the Future for like 3 years, so I became totally obsessed with the 3rd movie and her subsequent existence. That actually lasted for a while, and she's one of the ones where I still have a little bit of interest but I don't resent her or anything. Also, this was one of my attempts to be straight, when I told everyone I was in love with Ted Danson and talked about Cheers all the time (to date, I have not seen one episode of the show). I was a strange child. So June 18th was like this huge deal for me, because I was going to rent I Am Sam on the first day it came out, even though she was only in it for like three minutes, right? So I got it. She was in it. Happy times. And, oh, ps, someone else was in the movie and had way more screentime. That would be...Michelle Pfeiffer.

Okay, so, Michelle Pfeiffer = awesome, and continued into 7th grade. I always thought it would have lasted longer if she hadn't, you know, dropped off the face of the Earth, because she is by far one of the most awesome of my less recent obsession-type things. At that point we were already planning our vacation to California, which seemed like an obvious next step considering I couldn't shut up about movies (although at this point I had probably seen good movies, ever). So that happened, and as a result of boredom in our hotel room, we were channel-surfing, and Friends was on. I had never seen it at this point, so, you know, cut to the defining moment of my life. Then, that January (I'm in 7th grade right now, btw), I saw Chicago. Pretty sure my mom made me. But anyway, by the end of the movie I was like, completely in love with Catherine Zeta-Jones. That was one of the most chronologically prominent fandom-type things in my probably lasted about a year, maybe more, but it definitely overlapped with other stuff. (There was also a Harry Potter overlap for most of this time, if you wonder what I did during my spare time, besides sucking up to all my teachers.) This was essentially when TV started to exist as well - I watched Friends faithfully for that whole season, started to get into Scrubs whenever I could get away with watching it, and on the tape of the S9 Friends finale was the season-whatever finale of Will & Grace. (btw, according to my list, Demi Moore was before Megan Mullally--if I remember correctly, I saw Charlie's Angels 2 that summer, and...yeah. That was pretty huge, and then during the fall/winter of 8th grade, I started watching 24, ER, etc. Which explains a lot of people on my list. This is ridiculous, but Wendy Crewson is the reason I kept watching 24. I was new to the show, she was kinda hot, so I figured I'd keep going with it. When she left, Nina was there (and during Nina's eps, I started going back over season 1 and 2); when Nina "left" Michelle was get the idea. That May, I started watching The West Wing because Stockard Channing seemed awesome; and, basically, cut to my introduction to internet fandom, a year and a half of drama, and basically the biggest obsession of my life. Like I wasn't screwed up enough already, right? PS, this is why I now dislike Stockard immensely. I'm starting to figure, the more obsessed I am with someone, the more I hate them when it's over. I only had a month or so of hearting Reiko Aylesworth in a hardcore way, and I basically love her now because I didn't sacrifice my sanity in the process. So, yeah, 40 movies, 80% of which were probably horrible, creating a cultlike group with my best buddies deltabean, princess_laurax, dvl_wears_prada, and illusory_thrill...good times all over the place, and now my days are spent mocking Stockard's inability to be British/pronounce words correctly.

During the Stockard "era" I had this short-term thing for Patricia Richardson--this is still pre-internet fandom. Just give it another month for happy times with Harry Potter online to finish up. When that was done with I started searching for my new "place" online - my first thought was TWoP but I was no match for all the pretentious people, so I found my home on LJ. Anyway, yeah, Patricia Richardson...and I think Meryl Streep and Lily Tomlin may have existed around that time, if not within a year or so. Then, the same summer, Jacqueline McKenzie, as I became completely addicted to The 4400 within a day. And then finally, my freshman year of high school began. I spent most of the year in a world full of Stockardness, Shohreh Aghdashloo for a little while, and at some point there was Anne Bancroft, because we read/watched The Miracle Worker in English. I actually wasn't that interested in her; I kind of moved on after a week, but then when she died I felt really guilty and became much more obsessed, which dragged on for a while. Then there was Lorraine Bracco, something that was mostly just about how I thought she was hot, and Stockard dominated my summer. Finally, the following September, I pretty much hated Stockard as a result of fandom drama. One day I randomly saw a picture of Mary McDonnell in altitudeandwine's userinfo (one of the screencaps from that behind the scenes thing in the grass when she's giggling and...Eddie is there) and I was like "hey, that's that chick who played Carter's mom on ER." Except not really, because at that point I had eventually gathered who she was, so I was like "hey, it's...Mary McDonnell." I totally thought she was hot on ER when I saw her in a TNT (Primetime in the Daytime. So true) rerun, but I had moved on cuz she seemed way out of my league at that point. Which she probably was. Anyway, I discovered her, and it was like the Second Great Awakening/Era of Good Feelings (I have no idea what either of these means, if anyone needs any indication of how well I did on my APUS midterm today), and I outed my dislike of Stockard, at which point illusory_thrill tried to get me to like her again and I was trying to pretend I didn't really hate Stockard that much. Awesome times. So yeah, basically it was this huge eye-opening thing and I started to heart my life and feel happy all the time because Mary is shiny. However, this would eventually be followed by another Era of Not Good Feelings and, you know, Great...Not Awakening. But whatever. No more foreshadowing.

So, happy times with Mary. Basically, it was awesome, because BSG is such a great show. And it was really underrated at that point, so the fandom was just people who loved it. We got to be geeky A/R shippers together. Then the scary bandwagon losers joined in and started to ruin the sanctity of Adama/Roslin, which was just evil. Before that happened, I had a brief Joanna Gleason thing, some...Patricia Heaton madness, Alberta Watson, and finally, Jean Smart. In perfect timing with the newbie-ruined BSG fandom, she existed in season 5 of 24, and I discovered awesome Martha/Aaron shippers. That lasted until June or July or something, when the season ended and I ran out of fic to read. But before that, there was Jodie Foster, which kind of took over a little until I got bored with it. Then I liked Kim Basinger and Elizabeth Perkins for like a day each...except not really a day, because I started watching Weeds at that point. But close to a day. I dunno, a few weeks. Anyway, then there was Jennifer Saunders, who won me over with her hilarity and Britishness, damn her. The day after I started to heart Jennifer Saunders, I decided Jayne Atkinson was awesome, but I kind of just mildly shipped Karen/Bill and acknowledged her badassness until season 6 when I cared way more about it. So basically, there were happy times with Jennifer Saunders until the day before my birthday, when I watched Sports Night (which I had *finally* managed to get from Netflix) and decided that Felicity Huffman was awesome. Because, you know, so true, right? Um, I was also briefly obsessed(ish) with William H. Macy at that point, which was awkward. Oh, and that summer also marked the return of Jacqueline McKenzie. Enjoy it, because it won't be long before I start to dislike her immensely too. So eventually I got bored with those guys, and I was like, oh man, I need more fandom possibilities. So this was a whole four options thing, because I decided I liked Kim Basinger, Nora Dunn, Sharon Lawrence, and Alberta Watson (again) all during the same week, and it was like this random huge thing. You may remember my poll about it, lmao. Anyway, I don't even know the order of this, but at one point I had this awesome dream about Nora Dunn, and another one about Sharon Lawrence, so both of them were life-owning separately, and good times were had by all. Except for the people who had to read my posts about Sharon Lawrence. My apologies for this madness.

So after the summer of Sharon Lawrence being hot (what was I thinking??? So much wasted time watching NYPD Blue!) there was Sela Ward - okay, I don't know why I thought it would make sense to italicize that, but let's just go with it. Sela Ward. lmao okay, so, I decided to finally catch up on House. I had seen the pilot before it aired, forgot to keep watching, watched Sarah Clarke's episode, and kind of moved on out of laziness. However, I started watching reruns on USA, and I was like...clearly, this show is awesome. So I caught up with season 1, and it was life-owning, and it carried into September but eventually ended because I ran out of things to watch. I was so mad, because I could have seen an advance screening of The Guardian and kept it going for a while longer, but alas, life is not like that. So then there was Sally Field, because illusory_thrill insisted I watch Brothers & Sisters. Then I saw Sybil, and Joanne Woodward is awesome, so that happened. So at this point I was watching B&S and hating Holly for being a whore, but she wasn't in a few episodes so I didn't have the constant Holly-bashing going on, so a cute Sauly moment caught me one day and I became totally obsessed with her and the awesomeness that is Patricia Wettig. Which led me to watch Alias! Happy times. Although at this point I just watched and barely understood season one, and watched season 3 which isn't the greatest in the world. The full Alias effect would have to wait another year or so. So at this point I got my S5 24 DVD, and JoBeth Williams was hot for various reasons. I recall thinking that when I first saw it, but Jean Smart and Jodie Foster were life-owning at that time, so it had to wait. Then I was obsessed with Glenn Close for a very short while and Mary Kay Place for an even shorter while, just to complete the amazing circle that is The Big Chill. And also because both of them were fucking awesome on The West Wing. So then about a week after Mary Kay Place, I liked Diane Keaton because I saw Because I Said So with my mom, know, it's Diane Keaton. Then I had a dream about Vanessa Redgrave, which was sufficiently awkward because my research paper was due the next day and I couldn't concentrate because I kept looking for screencaps of Nip/Tuck. My brain is a crazy world. So then that ended, and I liked Helen Hunt near the end of the school year, because Helen Hunt is awesome and Twister is totally life-owning. Then that eventually stopped happening, and I decided to catch up with season 2 of Alias. Which is like a lifetime of Lena Olin being amazing. I mean, seriously, talk about fandom life ownage. See, there are two actresses I like. A) Sally Field, because I'm not like insanely obsessed with her, and she's open about her flaws, so it's just happiness and like, OMG how good a fan am I being? It really helps to have a friend who is someone's biggest fan in like, ever, because you can never be better at it than them, so you can be totally calm and casual about it. Anyway, there's also B) Lena Olin, because it fits the definition of a good relationship. Sometimes I love her, sometime she really annoys me. Yes, I admit that she is flawed. DUN DUN DUN. It's like a fandom breakthrough. Mostly, though, she is awesome and all Swedish (and kind of a masochist Santa-beheader. I should have known). Anyhoo, after that, there was Maryann Plunkett. I saw her in The Autumn Garden this summer and she was all awesome, and in September or October or some time around then, it suddenly occurred to me that she was slightly life-owning. And then that ended 2 weeks later because she's in like no movies, ever. And here I am now. I've been contemplating the awesomeness of Lena, making fun of know, the usual.

There are a bunch of people not in there who I've been obsessed with (or close to it) but in a really like...long-term sense. ie: Mary Lynn Rajskub and Allison Janney. Both totally awesome, and I probably had the whole fandom worshiping thing for Allison at one point, but not at a recognizable date. It wasn't like an instant thing, even though they basically pwn most people in their respective fields (those fields being A) weird quirky comedy nerds on intense shows and B) winning a bunch of Emmys for a show like The West Wing). So, yeah, that, and probably other awesome people. Good times.

Tomorrow = awesomest day of my life. Hollywood & History final, which is not a final at all, and then I get to go home. *happy dance*

sally field, joanne woodward, glenn close, mary lynn rajskub, jean smart, reiko aylesworth, meryl streep, megan mullally, patricia wettig, mary mcdonnell, maryann plunkett, diane keaton, alberta watson, joanna gleason, wendy crewson, jobeth williams, shohreh aghdashloo, sharon lawrence, william h. macy, jennifer saunders, felicity huffman, nora dunn, lorraine bracco, helen hunt, sarah clarke, allison janney, kim cattrall, jodie foster, catherine zeta-jones, stockard channing, sela ward, vanessa redgrave, anne bancroft, lena olin, jacqueline mckenzie, jayne atkinson

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