Unfaithful Bidet shipper.

Jun 30, 2006 21:47

1. *sob* Mullallypops is starting over. The guy in charge finished the site and then just like...disappeared before he put it up. And he controls the forum, so they have to start over completely. I'm mostly pissed that I have to get my post count up to 50 again, but at least I won't be so far behind everyone else in terms of posts this time. God, I can't believe I've become a Mullallypops loser so easily.
2. DRIVER'S ED IS OVERRRR. *excitement* It actually wasn't too bad getting it all over with in one week, because not a lot of time passed between classes that way, and I had someone to have lunch with every day. Still haven't gotten my permit, but I'm just thrilled to be away from the guy who owns the thing. He made us write these random useless quotes down, and I don't know. His personality drove me absolutely insane. He's like "You HAVE to write this question/answer down in your notes. "When does it matter? When it matters," That was it.
3. I got 2 seasons of ER from the library at the same time so I'm going slightly insane. I never realized how awesome the early seasons are, though. I kind of never considered them because I found Kerry's hair too disturbing and she wasn't a lesbian. Although her making out with this guy in early season 4? Disgusting. It's obvious why they made her a lesbian. Or maybe the guy just sucked. He was kind of an asshole. But seriously, I'm loving it. I think one of the interesting things with the show is that it was a fandom for me once and it didn't really hold, but it's still a fantastic show. Not really a situation I'm used to. It's cool, because I can sort of bounce between characters I like and ships and stuff. I kind of like Corday right now. Also, William H. Macy? Oh my god. I have a tiny tiny crush on him. I don't know why, but this always happens when I like an actress. I get so attached to the husband and occasionally guys they're opposite. Mel Brooks, Ted Danson, Xander Berkeley (see 4, btw) - it's so weird. And it basically shows that fandom > sexual orientation, but whatever. I'm grateful that The Closer isn't severely influencing me, because if I end up having a crush on Kevin Bacon...I don't know. There are no words to describe how utterly terrifying that would be.
4. Thank god, I can finally say it now that it's been announced: Sarah Clarke is pregnant!!! I'm so happy! (btw, prfctnstfreak, this is the thing I couldn't tell you that was driving you insane. Sorry it's something you have like no interest in. Heh.) I'm so much with the squeeing right now, because she looks so vibrant and it's amazing. Being pregnant makes her hotter. Go figure.
5. I am NOT missing the Nina challenge in the 24 icontest. Nooo! Stupid laptop!!! It won't be done in a week. Missing one with Martha pictures was bad enough, buit I've just been a Nina person for so long, through all my radically immature phases and everything. *shrugs* I'll live.
6. Not having a computer is really interfering my ability to have freakish conversations at 2 in the morning. Gah. Whatever. I have an entire season and a half of ER to hold me over.
7. Watched Transamerica - freaking amazing. WHY does Felicity Huffman have to be so goddamn amazing? It's interfering with my denial. I'm like "Um, no, of course I don't like her" and it's so extreme that I've arrived at a point where I'm nearly drooling over her HUSBAND whenever I see him, never mind the way it goes when I see her. But seriously, the movie was fabulous. Her character was absolutely hilarious. At one point she's chastising the kid for saying "like" too much, in the car, and she just randomly goes "Like like like" after he says something. OMG I LOVE HER. It's so good. I'm vaguely considering buying it, and I rarely ever want to buy movies.
8. I didn't get to read that much of my friends page, but when I get my computer back I swear I will. Sorry, everyone. Not that I have the presence of mind to comment most of the time anyway, but I still feel really guilty.
9. Okay, back to Corday/Benton sexiness. btw, is there a shared shipper name for that? Bidet? I think it sounds hot.

felicity huffman, megan mullally, er, sarah clarke, william h. macy

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