Feb 09, 2010 07:17
7. In the Dark Places of Wisdom by Peter Kingsley
I heard about this book a couple of years ago and at the time the author was living in North Georgia. Now I hear he is in Asheville.
I can't say as I really liked this book. It was about the Greek Philosopher/Poet Parmenides from the coast of Greek-settled Italy near the time of Christ. However, the book was filled with a lot of conjecture that appeared to be passed off as fact. In fact, several times the author makes the claim that this information is the truth. No where in the body of the text is supporting documentation and the References section at the end of the book seems to be made up mostly of secondary sources. My friends will tell you that scholarship is not the end all be all of my belief system. Truth is I don't really mind conjecture, but I would prefer that it be labeled as such. Though I do wish I had read this book before reading "Finding Persephone: Seeing the Goddess, Freeing Your Soul" by Charles Stein as his work was apparently deeply influenced by Kingsley's.
50 book challenge