What if the camel - DOESN'T - stop?

Nov 13, 2006 22:00

I was re-reading my camel manual today paying special attention to the section enTITled:

"How to regain control of a spook'd camel"

and it occured to me that this section reads much like the scientologists 200 question initial survey - the same thing said over and over in different ways. The gist of how you get control of a spooked camel goes like this, apparently:

Remain calm. The camel will eventually stop. Remain calm.

and it occured to me that that's pretty good advice for anyone in almost any situation.

Then it occured to me that what I was thinking had been thought before except then it was:

Don't Panic.

The phrase that set a million nerdy hearts afluttering when etched afore the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.

The hitchhikers books, much like monty python movies are funny when you a boy (or girl, I guess, i don't know) until you either have sex or realize that you aren't ever going to have sex if you keep quoting these stupid fucking books and movies (unless you meet a girl who likes that kind of thing, but who wants to have sex with them? ew, right?)

So then, I thought, "oh no". but I said out loud, "oh noes" and was reminded that I used to be friends with a lot more people on here but just like in real life...

Now, I'm about to write a journal entry about an absurd thing like I actually have a camel and a camel manual and I learned something from the camel manual and the camel manual is a really important thing. and it's exactly that kind of stupid stupid stupid stupid bullshit that I practically built my entire personality in reaction against. I have become the thing I hate the most.

But so anyway, back to the camel.

If you just stay calm, the camel will give up. no, what does it do? I don't even know.

Don't I have more important things to do? like this:


This girl is apparently a "journalist". and I think she banned me for asking her to please stop leaving out the "of" after "couple". I've been over this with you people about a jillion times that you, YES YOU, do need the of after couple. If you don't have it then what? you're making couple the adjective now?

It's a noun or a verb, it's not a fucking adjective assholes. just say "some" or "several" don't say "couple" unless you mean a pair or fucking, coupling, joining. Fucking adjective.

God Damn!!!

god damn I get worked up about this shit but what the fuck? what the fuck is wrong with people who can't fucking get a little thing like that right? and then go to a fucking rennaisance fair and call it "the ren faire". _holly and not just because you specifically go to them, but all of those people, what do they thing they're being cute? with the "couple" bullshit? well sister, try this shit on for size...

"I posted a couple pictures of my dreamcatcher lesbian t-shirt from the ren faire and a couple them look really cute"

What? Come on now, how many fucking times do I have to tell you to put of after couple everybody? COME ON!!!

Next thing I know you'll all be saying - 'tis' - again. Fucking people. What the fuck. I go away for 3 months and the world is coming apart.

If I had it my way, I'd roll up, and I swear to god, every wiccan and grammarvillian would catch a serious case of the "I thought you only hated doctors who transgendered people and people who don't know the difference between "Transvestite" and "Sex Reassigned".

It's funny how I can't stand everybody except you.

and New Zealand, I haven't forgotten about you...

the ball is in your court New Zealand...
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