"Bless us and save us"

May 31, 2022 21:23

Probably a long shot...

I just had a random memory of a character exclaiming "Bless us and save us!" whenever something bad or surprising happened... but I have absolutely no idea what character or programme it was. I feel like it's something I watched a long time ago (perhaps in the '90s?), but I don't know if it was a TV series or an old film I had on VHS or what. It was probably a female character, but I couldn't even tell you if it was live action or animated.

I've tried Googling it, but all I can see are explanations about where the phrase comes from (apparently it often ends "...said old Mrs Davies", but I don't recall this character ever saying that part). It seems to be an Irish expression, so maybe the character was Irish? There's also an episode of The Liver Birds called "God Bless Us And Save Us" but that's not it.

Does anyone know of an old TV show or film that features this catchphrase?
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