Oct 11, 2017 20:48
This was around 1991. It was probably 321 Contact or Square One or something of the sort that played after school in Arizona. One of these kids' educational shows had a recurring segment about a detective who visited a mansion or hotel where there was a mystery to solve. The characters in this place reminded me of the board game "Clue." In the first segment, this detective (or team of detectives) arrives on a dark and stormy night. It is raining hard, and I remember a sign pointing to the detective's destination spinning around in the wind, so it was unclear if s/he had actually made it to the right place, or followed the sign in the wrong direction.
I wasn't able to watch this show every day, but was very invested in the plot, and never found out how it ended! I also remember it had some very dramatic operatic music that I loved. But sadly, I don't remember details about the characters or the mystery.
It wasn't Mathnet, it definitely had more of a gothic/noir vibe than a cop show vibe.
Does this ring a bell for anyone?
tv show,
321 contact,