1960s poster: Steps Leading To The Mountaintop ** FOUND **

Nov 07, 2015 10:11

About 1968, a mall gift shop called Matsuri's operated in Hayward CA. One poster displayed showed a vista as from a mountaintop with steps leading up to the POV (of someone not shown) and each step was marked with titles, such as "Self-Sacrifice," "Humility," etc., with "Love" being the topmost shown. In the background far below was a beautiful valley. This may have been a Portal Publications poster, as many shops had them at the time. Would anyone remember this poster?

Ebay has this: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Visionary-Steps-to-the-Mountaintop-Vintage-Original-Poster-by-Joseph-Parker-/221654584411?hash=item339ba48c5b:g:-FoAAOSwyZ5Uq4FI

Joseph Parker is the artist from 1969.

graphics, graphic, found!, poster, found, 1960s, art

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