80s Anime Series

Jun 13, 2012 21:22

FOUND! by curtana: FORCE FIVE.

(With a clue I only remembered when I was typing this all out. Oh, brain.)

This animated/Japanese series was on in Canada in the mid 1980s. We got a TV around 1983 and I know I was writing fanfic for it in 1986. (In red Papermate. It wasn't very good. *g*)

The series wasn't just one show, it was several shows by the same company that ran in rotation by alternating days in the same time slot. It was ridiculously confusing. Here's what I remember, I'm only clear on two of the shows.

The themes were all Science Fiction and set in the future. One involved traditional machines that formed one giant robot, one was in space and involved space surfboards that were also jets... they might had made one machine as well.

The art was similar to Robotech (it was on in the same era, similar time slot) but a little softer. Far more modern than G-Force/Gatchaman. Nicer than Transformers or GI Joe. Not chibi or cutesy, but without the crazy-spiky hairstyles and weird hair colours of some other animes. Normal proportions.

One show had a space princess and her three guardians from different planets. One guy who wore red was the hot guy from an Earth-type planet. The guy in blue was tall and skinny and from a water planet, I think. And then the guy in green was really rolypoly. Those were the guys with the space surfboard things. One had a quarterstaff and one had a trident. I forget the other weapon.

Another had an ex-baseball player (a career ending injury of a broken wrist, I think) named Aries, and the daughter of the ubiquitous old scientist dude and she was Nebula. Aries was one of a bunch of guys who piloted machines that turned into a giant robot. I think Nebula had one, too.

And that's all I got. I am afraid that the characters were renamed for that translation only or something because I can't find them at all. I have looked but I may just have been putting in the wrong words.

!found, tv, anime, japanese, 1980s

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