Jun 22, 2009 18:19
First time poster, hoping you can help me find this song. It's been played as far as I remember in this rock/metal club I used to go to, and their website doesn't show what songs they play so that's no help. It's (maybe?) instrumental, or at least the part I keep humming is, and it's kind of electric rock/dance rock in the style of The Prodigy or if Rob Zombie did instrumental songs. Kind of an industrial beat but something you can dance to.
Anyway, the part I remember goes something like "duh weewoo weewoo dadadadahda" (weewoo - kinda electric guitar sounding), with the notes falling down the scale, like the second weewoo is slightly deeper than the first, and all the dadadadada part is roughly the same note, lower than the weewoos. I hope someone can help from that insane-sounding clue. I have faith in you guys!
EDIT: I went through an old playlist from the club, song by song and found it. It was Pendulum - Blood Sugar
music metal,
music electronic,
music instrumental,
music rock,
music industrial,