Okay. I've been trying to find out about these two movies forever, but I have very little memory of either of them. I saw them when I was about four to six years old, probably between 1992-1997.
#1- The first was about this young girl, maybe 13/14-ish. I believe she was dressed in modern clothes, and had curly bobbed hair. She was of either maori or some coastal native american descent. I have the distinct impression that she had been kidnapped by someone, or that she was running away, but I can't be certain. The only part I remember clearly is one scene where she is paddling along in an old canoe along a quiet river, through a series of little islands. The trees are very green and mossy, and the atmosphere is misty and green and still. There's an almost eerie feeling to the scene, even a mystical/haunted feeling. She is gliding very quietly over the water, and as she passes the edge of this little island, she sees a little cave, and inside it are the remains of a masked body, like the burial place of some witch-doctor person. I think it had some relevance to the story, perhaps she had some powers of her own? I wish I had more info to give you, but this is all I can remember.
#2- This one I remember slightly better. I think it begins in a little native american settlement possibly in the 70's/80's? A helicopter has landed in the area, on a large bed of gray rock. The pilot offers candy to some of the local children. Most ignore him, but a few come around including a young girl (9/10-ish, long hair w/bangs, kind of chubbyish, always wearing dresses) and her brother (?). The children end up being kidnapped by him and taken to some sort of school-like insitution. For most of my childhood I thought it was an "Indian school", like in the 1800's, but even though the time period is wrong, that's the only way I can describe it. I remember the children had their hair cut and were put into matching uniforms. The only thing I can remember after that is the ending. The children seem to have the opportunity to escape. Most of them are standing outside the school, and the main character and her brother(?) are on horseback, ready to leave, waiting to see if anyone else will go with them. But the others decide to stay and so the two ride off alone together back home.
EDIT: #2 sounds eerilly like Where the Spirit Lives
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0103244/plotsummary Has anyone seen that?