Independent wrestling show name.

Feb 25, 2009 20:53

This is so absurdly niche that I'll be flabbergasted if anyone at all gets this. If you don't know anything about American independent wrestling, you can move on, nothing to see here.

Everyone gone who could be?


'Kay. I remember hearing mumblings of an IWA:Mid South show where they had what must have been a eight-person tag, featuring a bunch of guys from Chikara. Might have even been all eight from Chikara, I don't know. Main important part of this is that Vin Gerard was involved, and he might have been the only rudo in the entire match. Match ends when everyone, including Vin's three partners, pin him for the win. I am looking for the name of this show.

(I have attempted to Google, but it boggles the mind with the amount of results 'Vin Gerard Chikara IWA:MS' brings up. Half of them are forum discussions with a quote in someone's signature or something. It was also definitely Vin Gerard and not Equinox, so we're looking at late '07 to '08.)

(Also? No idea what to tag this one.)

Found: April Bloodshowers '08.

!where was that one, !found, 2000s, website, american

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