(no subject)

Mar 29, 2008 11:51

OK. This is probably going to be an extreme longshot, but I'm looking for the name of a movie that I LOVED when I was a kid.

It's a horse movie, and I remember a lot of the plot, but I can't figure out the title of it.

Plot: There's a family (mother, father, son (mike?), daughter(anna?)). The main character is the daughter. At the beginning of the movie, they're talking about going back to New Zealand, where they have a family house. They're all excited. Then the dad is killed by a horse at his job as a racetrack groom, but the rest of the family moves back there because that's what he wanted.

The house turns out to be this broken-down house on a gorgeous piece of land, and they decide to stay and ifx it up. The mother forbids the daughter to ride, but she befriends a wild stallion that this other family is trying to kill because it keeps getting in their pasture and impregnating their mares (hoity toity family with TONS of horses and a big breeding operation).

Cue lots of teen angst, people hating them, and general turmoil culminating in the Anna losing the prized mare of this other family. She goes off in the woods to find the mare, and finds her stuck in a giant mudhole. The stallion helps get her out, and she finds this old guy in the woods who helps get the mare back to health.

Mike goes out looking for her and falls in a trap set for the stallion, breaking a few ribs. ...

Ring a bell for anyone?

Edit: OK, I realize this makes me sound like an idiot, but I remembered just after posting. It's called "The Rogue Stallion"

!found, movie

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