So I've noticed in the past few days I've been writing more in general. That may be due partly to the fact that I have had 2 English papers and a Spanish II paper to write, but yeah. To my surprise I have gained back my
super-human powers....
In other words, the BlueBerry Johnsons are now back on the road...or more like off the road, as one of those bad car accidents you see on the interstate that you know you shouldn't look at, but in the end you end up looking at anyways.
We're like that....except....sorta funny.
With my creativity back up and running, and my wallet empty because of
this mind blowing piece of digital video goodness, I think I am reverting back to what I've been missing for a few months.
Probably by late August I will have my site up and running, and hopefully some videos and pictures for the masses who want to know just how insane my friends and I actually are.
And, if you will turn your eyeball to the magic box next to this entry, you will see a new user pic I took yesterday while I was on my way to class. Check it.