(Note: just finished Unwound Future, accidentally spoiled self for Diabolican Box, which is currently lost in my house.)
...So, after Curious Villiage turned to be super popular, did Level 5 go around asking people "hey kids how can we make Layton a better game", and the people of japan and europe all like "NEEDS MORE SAD", huh? Is that what
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I like to imagine that despite his intelligence, the Professor is actually incredibly forgetful (kind of like Gourry from Slayers?) and only remembers Luke at all by dint of Luke being PROFESSAH PROFESSAH WHEN'S OUR NEXT ADVENTURE I FOUND A PUZZLE WE'RE BESTEST FRIENDS PROFESSAHHH every waking moment. Flora actually has something resembling social graces, so he probably forgets her name/face/existence if he doesn’t actually see her for 24 hours at a stretch. Poor thing. :(
(Now that you mention it, the Phoenix Wright crossover trailer is entirely Floraless…this doesn't bode well for our favourite loli.)
Everything about Don Paulo is the greatest. He’s like the Ultros of Professor Layton.
I couldn’t help but laugh a little during that animated bit in the restaurant bar- they actually seem to have put some effort into the characters’s drink orders, even though it’s such a short scene.
LOL. Well, that would explain alot about his inability realize Paulo=Paul or Clive=little-boy-he-saved without those characters telling him in the third game.
Well, I believe in PLvsPW, Layton and Luke are taken from the prequel trilogy, years before they met Flora. Probably to promote the prequel trilogy further, I imagine.
Who is Ultros?
Hmmm...it's a bit hard for me to see all the cups/glasses...
Way back in the SNES era of Final Fantasy, FF6 had Ultros, a weird octopus boss thing. He always said and did weird stuff, and was generally awesome. He is still my standard for ridiculous and entertaining semi-evil characters.
Layton has black tea (obviously). It’s a little harder to see Luke and Flora's but I think they're also drinking tea (might be juice though). Don Paulo has a shot glass, and for some reason, I think Chelmey has a Chinese-style cup of green tea (check the color when he slams it down).
I'm still not sure why people would "freak out" over luke being older. Back when the trailers first came out for PL3, everyone was aaaaaaaall over "Future Luke." Maybe they can't think of a way to design an older luke that doesn't look too much like Clive?
Oh, so that's that weird octopus that I've seen as avatars on forums before! He sounds amazing, and I can understand why his "tone" reminds you of Don Paulo. Both he and dear Paul are basically GIANT SPACE FLEA OUT OF NOWHERE type bosses, aren't they?
Lol at Paulo being the only one drinking alchohol at the bar. Interesting that Chemley favors green tea, and a little unexpected--he always struck me as more of a black-coffee sort of fellow.
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