I love subtext. However, I hate hearing the word "subtext".
Fandom's usage of the word subtext is basically "anything, intended or not, that I can interpret as homosexual (and occasionally heterosexual) innuendo." I came to hate the word subtext while in the yuugioh fandom, where everything from Joey and Yuugi's inseparable BFF bond (despite the fact that in the manga they are extremely straight and FANTASIZE ABOUT GIRL'S PANTIES AND WATCH PORN) to the fact that duelists seem to have a thing for buckles and leather outfits (nevermind that it could just be because they're a weird subculture of teenagers and adults, and weird subcultures have always dressed in stupid outfits). Yet from what I could see, sex drives tend to lean heavily towards the opposite sex in even ridiculously campy characters like Pegasus, and they're not really an important element anyways. But noooooooooo, everyone was all OMG IN THE JAPANESE ANIME JOUNOUCHI REFFERED TO YUUGI WITH A WORD THAT COULD POTENTIALLY BE TRANSLATED TO REFER TO ROMANTIC LOVE!!!! WISHSHIPPING FTW!!!!!!!!!1 OMG DARK YUUGI CALLS YUUGI, tHE BOY HE SHARES A LIFE AND BODY WITH, PARTNER! PUZZLESHIPPING! OMG JOEY AND SETO GRR AT EACH OTHER SO THERE MUST BE DEEP SEXUAL TENSION! PUPPYSHIPPING FTW! EVERYTHING IS ABOUT BUTTSEX!
This, my friends, is not subtext. This is teenage girls taking things out of context and seeing things that aren't there. At all.
While my current fandom, hetalia, is not as dangerously frothing and rabid (thank god),
this discussion and other things I've seen in the fandom show that a similar attitude about the definition of subtext exists. Which is sad, because I've detected plenty of ACTUAL subtext in this canon, sexual and nonsexual. But that's for another post.
So then, what is subtext? Let us ask the all-knowing but occasionally dubious source, Wikipedia! Wikipedia, what is subtext?
"Subtext is content of a book, play, musical work, film, video game or television series which is not announced explicitly by the characters (or author) but is implicit or becomes something understood by the observer of the work as the production unfolds. Subtext can also refer to the thoughts and motives of the characters which are only covered in an aside. Subtext can also be used to imply controversial subjects without specifically alienating people from the fiction, often through use of
Subtext is content underneath the spoken
dialogue. Under dialogue, there can be
pride, showing off, or other implicit ideas and emotions. Subtext is the unspoken thoughts and
motives of characters -- what they really think and
believe. Subtext just beneath the surface of dialogue makes life interesting, but it can also cause people to be misunderstood."
Okay...so, Wikipedia, how is subtext used?
"Examples of subtext often include the sexuality of the characters, such as the nature of the relationship between the teachers in the film version of
Lillian Hellman's play
The Children's Hour (which was based on an actual case in
Scotland), or the gender ambiguity of Mr. Humphries in
Are You Being Served?."
So I guess the shippers I'm bashing are kind of right, huh?
"Subtext is also a frequently used method of subtly inserting social or political commentary into fiction. "
...but not entirely, since I never see people talking about THIS kind of subtext in fandom. I'll admit, shounens and gag mangas probably don't have a lot of deep social and political commentary to talk about anyways, but STILL! You'd think SOMEONE would bring up the
"Subtext is often also inserted in narratives where explicit themes are unable to be shown or expressed due to
censorship or simply interest in appealing to a general audience. Frequently, these subtexts may be of, but not limited to, a sexual nature or possible references to sexual orientation. Their inclusion is such so that they are easily overlooked by younger viewers but may be caught by more mature viewers. Television sci-fi such as the original
Star Trek and
Doctor Who (both of which implicitly avoided onscreen sexual situations) have often been discussed with respect to certain scenes or lines of dialogue. Subtext also serves to add a complexity to a premise that may superficially appeal to younger viewers but may also attract older fans, as is often the case with cartoons, sci-fi and fantasy. It also may serve to aid in
suspension of disbelief..."
Wait, wait. Hold up, not limited to? could you elaborate, Wikipedia? Wikipedia?
Well, that's Wikipedia for you. Only elaborates when you don't give a damn.
But still, this establishes a few things.
1. Subtext is intentionally inserted, and is therefore canon. Unintended innuendo, as fun as it is, is not subtext.
2. Subtext does not have to be about sexuality, though that is a frequent topic of subtext. Subtext can refer to other themes or aspects of the characters.
Buuuuuut I've probably bored you now, so have a blingee: