You know what dish I think is best served cold? Gaspacho.
I mean it's like, soup, but you have it cold. I don't know who thought that up. And the total coincidence is that Gaspacho is also red, only that's pretty much because it has tomatoes in it, so nothing to do with revenge at all. This friend of mine whose boyfriend was a total cheat got her revenge by sewing prawns into the lining of his curtains and all his clothes. You could smell him coming from, like, a mile off. Prawns are more pink, though.
Anyhow, I thought I'd say that here because
one of the new neighbours doesn't like me commenting in his journal. There is totally an option where you can disable comments on your posts, but I guess he hadn't noticed. I think maybe he's a little slow.
I wish I had some
cold dishes right now. I mean like, not soup, actual crockery would do. We're out of ice and the apartment is kind of like a steam room, except Toushirou hates it when I walk around in just a towel. My bedroom window jammed shut the other day and now I can't sleep because the little sweat drops trickling down between my boobs kinda tickle. You know how it is.
I think I'll put on some red underwear and see if it cools me down.