Obama is president-elect

Nov 05, 2008 19:49

But more importantly, DC is now in Google Streetmaps. (Chris Matthews just called Obama "zenlike".)

Without further ado, where I work:
zzzzzz nevermind, it doesn't work on blessed livejournal. Here's the bare link.

People were crazy last night (The District voted 93-7 for Obama so go figure). All the cars were honking. People in the street were smiling by themselves. Crowds of friends and people coming out of bars chanted Obama, screamed, skipped. Most people made their way to the White House where a huge crowd formed... "PACK IT UP!" ... "Si se puede!"

Of course, after the celebration of such a historic moment they all went home, looked at the results and realized that gay marriage had been banned in several states, including, shockingly, California (results pending but it looks pretty clear that the Mormon church has won this one).

Which brings me to a sad realization: Maybe this year was different. Maybe the Democrats control the White House, the Senate and the House. But, the America that voted George Bush into office twice still exist in force. Barack Obama has some sort of a mandate but he doesn't have 60 votes in the Senate--Alaskans, trying to reinforce the terrible reputation their governor's given them, actually reelected (again, yes, not completely sure) a man found guilty of five counts of lying in a corruption case. Bravo on that whole rewarding corruption thing.

So don't expect a President Obama to have the country behind him because the Republicans have managed to retain enough obstructionist seats to throw a wrench into true reform, true change, true progress. They will bitch and moan, call him a socialist, filibuster with childish defiance.

And gays (white, black, old, young, rich and poor) in San Francisco, Arizona, and Florida will continue to be treated like African-Americans were a century ago. Here's to a new America... 

ok it's not really that bad, cynicism, shame

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