old news pee and fresh poop

Jul 01, 2004 14:21

Remember how I told everyone about the pee cup event? Well, my room-mate Ali found out that I told everyone so she used her passive-aggresive white board to say that I am a big mouth. That whole situation pisses me off. First of all- evryone who knows me knows that I am ab-so-lutely in love with stories about pee and poop. of course I will tell!

Secondly- She's the one that peed in a cup and then didn't tell me which one it was. That's messed up. But I didn't draw a picture od ali peeing in a cuop on the board and write "dirty ho" over it. Dah.

Also- you guys are how I put my hand in dog poop yesterday at soccer. Or you guys are the dog poop. I can't decide. I'll just call you both.

and Danny- i didn't tell her your embarrasing secret. I want a brownie in payment.
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