Please explain all of your answers.
Name: Allie
Which character were you stamped as? Lucy
Priorities and philosophies…
In order of importance to you, rank: friends, family, enemies. Family comes first because friends can come and go, but your family should always be there for you which I know mine will be. Friends would be next because I've shared so many memories over the years with them. Enemies would be last, but they're important because they make you want to be better.
In order of importance, rank: love, beauty, truth, freedom. Truth because the truth may sometimes hurt but lies kill. Trust is such an important part in love. Love would be next. Then freedom. And finally beauty. It's really important to notice the beauty in everything and everybody, which I believe exists. Outer and inner beauty.
Is ignorance bliss? Sometimes. I hate finding out something I really dont want to know, but being ignorant isnt worth praising.
Is the glass half full, or half empty? Half full.
What do you…
What do you look for in a friend? I look for people who share some interests in common with me but also are different enough that we can learn from eachother. I really really love when I can have good quality conversations with my friends. Somebody who will sit down and listen to be no matter what, and talk about the serious and the light hearted.
What do you look for in a significant other? Somebody who I can trust and love. Somebody who can balance out my faults and I can also balance out his. Somebody who doesnt waste any of his talents and always tries his best at everything.
What characteristic do you value the most? Honesty.
What do you want to be ‘when you grow up’? Well I'm majoring in sports management with a minor in international business. I'd really like to work in the front office of a baseball team and/or travel a lot. But if I got all of my ways, I would love to be a photographer. I'm just going to school for something different because I cant put all of my eggs in one basket.
Across the Universe and other music relations…
What was your favorite song? It's a tie between I've Just Seen a Face and With a Little Help From My Friends.
What was your least favorite song? Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite
Pick a lyric from one of the songs in the movie that is meaningful to you, and explain why it is. Blackbird singing in the dead of night / take these broken wings and learn to fly
This was my first favorite Beatles song and I didnt really like the ATU version of it but the song is still so beautiful. I believe that it shows how everybody has a lot of potential, and no matter how crappy your life may seem, you can turn those bad moments into beautiful ones.
What’s one of your favorite songs that isn’t ATU? Up to three allowed.
1. Harbor - Vienna Teng (my favorite of the moment)
2. Myriad Harbour - The New Pornographers
3. I Feel It All - Feist (to show that not all of my favorite songs have to deal with harbours, haha)