Name: Betsy.
Nickname(s): My friends call me "Betsyface" for some reason.
Age: Nineteen.
Location: Arizona State University, also known as Hell.
Three positive adjectives that describe who you are: Imaginative, intelligent, funny.
Three negative adjectives that describe who you are: Lazy, self-centered, emotional.
Pick a line from a song that you think describes you:
"I can feel so unsexy for someone so beautiful,
so unloved for someone so fine.
I can feel so boring for someone so interesting,
so ignorant for someone of sound mind."
- Alanis Morissette, "So Unsexy"
Favourite quote: "Being normal is not necessarily a virtue. It rather denotes a lack of courage." - Practical Magic [film]
Hobbies/Interests: Writing, reading, internet-ing, listening to music, watching movies, procrastinating, daydreaming.
Likes: Faerietales, musicals, music, words, anything British, mushrooms, dragons, laughing, spinach, cats, tea, dusk, rainstorms, Halloween and Christmas.
Dislikes: Stupidity, closed-mindedness, peas, mean people, war, math, science, the fact that I can't sing well, blood, the fundamentalist people that stand on campus sometimes and yell at everyone, pretentiousness, and child-abusers.
Same gender stamp? Don't care. Stamp me as who you think I am personality-wise, regardless of gender. :)
Either Or...
Bravery or Revenge: Bravery.
Social or Anti-social: Anti-social.
Brilliance or Imagination: Are the two mutually-exclusive?
Street smart or Book smart: I'm more book-smart.
Pessimist or Optimist: Pessimist.
Night or Day: Night.
Leader or Follower: I think I'm naturally a leader but I've forced myself to be a follower most of my life so I don't step on anyone's toes.
Laid-Back or Tense: Depends on the situation and who I'm with, but I think I'm usually laid-back.
Realist or Dreamer: Dreamer, totally.
Movies: AtU, duh. RHPS, Jane Austen films, anything Tim Burton, Judd Apatow and Seth Rogen films, Disney animated movies, everything I've seen by Focus Features.
Books: Anything Alice Hoffman, Anne Rice, Jane Austen, Tolkien, Rowling, Shakespeare, Poe, fantasy, and a lot of the classics.
Music: I have very eclectic tastes. I love classic rock and I basically listen to everything from Rasputina and The Dixie Chicks to Godsmack and Rooney. If I like it, I like it.
Artist (optional): Um...Da Vinci and Monet and especially Waterhouse.
Color: Green, black, silver, any jewel tone.
Would you attempt the impossible, even if you were told it couldn't be done? I'm not sure. I might, but in all probability I'd be too scared.
Would you do what you thought was right, even without the help or support of others? At this point in my life, I'm going to say yes. Even a year ago, though, the answer would've been no.
Are you dependable? Basically.
Who or What would you lay in front of a tank for? Love. Family.
Across the Universe -
Favorite character and why: It's a tie between Jude - because he's an artist and so innocent - and Max - because he's freakin' hilarious. JoJo and Prudence are close seconds, though.
Who do you relate to most and why: Prudence. I have a lot of insecurities about myself. I also kind of relate to Jude in that I'm definitely a dreamer.
Favorite scene? Oh, man. The Thanksgiving dinner scene cracks me up every time, but I also love when Jude and Lucy are by the water and he tells her to come closer so he can get her eyes right. The emotion and chemistry in that scene is tangible. Also, when he kisses her for the first time - whoa. I don't think I've ever seen a deeper, sweeter, more passionate kiss in a movie.
Favorite quotes (no more than three):
"Music is the only thing that makes sense anymore... play it loud enough and it keeps the demons at bay." - JoJo
Army Man: Is there any reason you shouldn't serve in the United States Army?
Max: I'm a cross-dressing homosexual pacifist with a spot on my lung.
Army Man: As long as you don't have flat feet.
"It's me! In the thing! Yeah!" - Mr. Kite
Favorite song-scene: I love the "I Want You" army scene and "Being For the Benefit of Mr. Kite" is awesome, but I think my favourite would have to be the entire "Strawberry Fields" sequence. It is so powerful.