Jun 22, 2004 21:31
Whoo today was the first day of the Little Kid's Cheer Camp. I have the littlest group, the 6 and 7's year olds, although we have some younger ones than that. There's Elle, Athena, Alysa, Charlotte (my baby Char-Chars), Ally, some girl's name that I forget : X , Makayla, Kelly, and Seanna. They're all pretty good girls, although Makayla can sometimes be a little naughty. Lol.
Then after cheer camp, Courtney and I went to my house and we hung out for a bit then her mom came and took us to Quizmo's...aka: Quizno's (haha I think I spelled it wrong). Then Courtney and I went to her house to eat and we watched Serendipity and The Princess Diaries. Hehe I *love* both those movies! Then I went home at like 7. Then Lance's friend Andrew called me and I've been talking to him. Ugh but he pissed me off so I hung up on him! Oh well!
Anyways. Today for some reason (I think it was the two love movies I watched) I started thinking about love and relationships. It's oh-so confusing. I hate it...everything...the secrets...the actual love part...I guess I don't HATE it, but it is very hard to deal with. All I've ever wanted was a boyfriend..one I could cuddle with and spend "the best years" of my life with. But no....instead...well, it's just not like that. Why?