May 19, 2005 19:07
I just don't know what to do anymore..Things are really starting to bother me. It's like everytime something is perfect in my life or something makes me happy , I always seem to fuck it up....
Why do I always fuck myself over? Why am I do depressed lately? I just don't get it.. I have this one person in my life that makes me just fuckin melt...And I fuck it up. I feel like I lost him already..prolly have..I don't wanna even think about losing him cuz just the thought of it makes me get teary eyed! Nobody would really understand... I just feel like nothing I do is good enough anymore! Like everything I say is just being taken for granted! I feel like I keep treating people like shit and hurting people.. I'm just so down on myself...lately ...and I don't know why. I honestly think I'm not good enough for anyone...seriously...Ugh...
Earlier I told G*na some stuff that just kinda really hit me.. I like him and I don't know why. I don't even know if it's a good thing or not..I hope that people didnt say shit to him, because then I'd be hurt and pissed! and I really dont need that right now...I just wish he'd call me or something..just to say hey..but we'll see...
Well tomorrow Katie is coming over, and who knows what we're doing for sure tomorrow night..Wanted to see if I could hang out w/someone, but I dont think that will happen cuz other people I guess are hanging out w/him..
Saturday- Going to Rock the Coast & Katie, Kati, and Kla are staying the night! Meeting G*na there! YES!!
Sunday- Going back to MA cuz Rock the Coast is 2days!*
~*~Hopefully hanging out w/ friends will clear my head... and I'll somewhat feel better....~*~