Mar 01, 2010 21:42
Okay, so I made my first attempt at steak bites on Sunday.
Here's what I did:
1 lb Round steak
3/4 c water
1/4 c soy sauce
1/4 c worcestershire sauce
garlic powder
lemon juice
lime juice
liquid smoke
I cut the round steak into bite-sized pieces (the store did not label the round steak as top or bottom so not sure which). I put the pieces into the crockpot and poured a generous splash of lemon and lime juice over them. Then I sprinkled some garlic powder over that, added just a dash of liquid smoke, then poured in the rest of the liquid. I set the crockpot to low and let it cook for 3 hours.
End result: Pretty close to what I remember from my co-worker's dish, but the flavor was not quite as strong. I think the next attempt, I will only use 1/2 c of water and add a bit more soy sauce.