(Crossposted like whoa because she's GOTTA see this even she's all zombified in L.A.)
Hey look! Proof positive that I totally NAILED BEEBS!!! She just likes blue body paint. It used to be her kink. Must be a Mystique thing, or maybe she was trying to appeal to my love of beautiful blue women. ANYWAYS...before any of you get all up in arms about fidelity and all that jazz, I'm gonna say this was before Mab AND before Wolvie! Because really, I'm not sure who's wrath I'm more scared of. (Okay, so I'm more scared of Mab's, but Wolvie is just so stabby...)
Also, seriously. WHO here is the mole? Who's spyin' on ole Wade looking for inspiration to get paid for what I say for FREE? I want a piece of that action! Gimme some of that cash! SERIOUSLY! Look at this!
http://marvel.com/catalog/?id=15786 That's Marvel publishing the story of my frustration with Hollywood and my quest to get my own movie! Does that sound familiar to anyone but me? Am I crazy? (Don't answer that.) GIMME ROYALTIES!!!! *reaches out the grabby hand at Marvel*