#39 Glee, prompt for productivity100

Oct 02, 2010 21:43

TITLE: Give in
AUTHOR: whaddyasay
PAIRING/POV: Rob/Kristen
PROMPT: #39 Glee
SUMMARY: Three moments when happiness was nothing but a constant in their lives
DISCLAIMER: These are real people and this story is a work of fiction. Don't own anything.

I think I felt my heart skip a beat
I'm standing here and I can hardly breathe - you got me
You got me.
-You Got Me {Colbie Caillat}



You're stuck on me and my laughing eyes
I can't pretend though I try to hide - I like you
I like you.


Kristen giggled loudly when Rob groaned underneath her, his messy hair brushed in a floofy bouffant in front of her face. Her legs tightened around his waist and she giggled again despite Rob’s protests, her hand clamping down on her mouth to stop the fresh wave of laughter threatening to burst forth.

“I don’t understand why you find this funny,” Rob whined, his thick British accent a stark contrast against all the American chatter surrounding him. He huffed again, adjusting the thick straps around his waist. “This is terribly uncomfortable.”

“Oh shut up, whiny pants,” Kristen said, moving her head to peer at his face. “I’m strapped on to the harness too, just in case you forgot.”

“Yeah, but is it constricting major areas of discomfort? I think not.”

She giggled again, her thumb stroking the side of his neck gently. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” she mumbled, looking at him when he turned his head. “I’ll stop now. I know it’s not comfortable.”

“It’s fine, you’re forgiven,” Rob answered playfully, his nose scrunching. “You’re rubbing off my vampire make-up.”

“Are you kidding me? That thing’s like… super-glued to your skin or something.”

“No it’s…” Rob’s argument was suddenly cut off when he yelped, Kristen’s eyes going wide in panic. The harness wires were taut, the thick straps digging through his thighs. Rob shook his head and looked down, scowling at their director from below. “Jesus Christ, Catherine! Can’t I get a warning before you do that?”

“Sorry Rob!” Catherine hollered from below. “Are you two okay?”

“NO!” “YES!”

Kristen looked at him worriedly. “Is it really that bad?”

Rob smirked, winking at her. “No, but I like giving Catherine a bit of pain. These harnesses really does hurt. The least I can do is worry her.”

“You are so mean!” She shrieked, poking him on the side. Rob grumbled and Kristen laughed loudly, her body shaking behind him. “Oh my God, remind me never to get on your bad side.”

“You are such a laughy little thing, aren’t you?”

“Laughy? Is that even a word?” Kristen poked him again and Rob reached out behind him, smacking her butt with his hand. “Hey!”

“Shut up. Yes, laughy. It’s a word because I said so. And stop wiggling around so much.”

Kristen scrunched up her nose, her body twisting around his torso to look at him. He smiled at her and she grinned back, her eyes sparkling in happiness. She couldn’t help it, every time she looked at him meant she would smile so wide, she thinks her heart would explode.

She smiles too much when Rob’s around. She laughs a lot when he’s near her. And she likes it.

“Hey Rob? Kristen?” Catherine called out from below, standing beside their stunt coordinator Andy. “We’re gonna have to pull the wires now. Kristen, hold on to Rob so the wires align together, okay? We’re pulling it now!”

Rob raised an eyebrow and grinned when Kristen tightened her hold around his neck, his hands reaching out behind him to hold her close.

“Can’t have you being thrown off of me,” he said, pulling her legs around him, his hand gripping her hand lightly. “You alright?”

“Yeah, I’m great. Thanks,” she murmured, resting her cheek against the back of his head. It was going to mess up his hair but Rob didn’t seem to care, his hold on her tightening when the wires started pulling them up. She sighed in content, her body relaxing under his touch.

Kristen rolled her eyes, mentally shaking her head. All this hiding and pretending was slowly becoming fruitless, not when her heart and her head were constantly warring with her. They were friends, but maybe… maybe she liked him more than that? She was happy when she was with him, wasn’t she?

The wire jerked and she gasped, Rob’s hold on her keeping her calm. He turned his head and she smiled back at him, her body pressed close.

Okay, so maybe pretending they were just friends was a bit of a stretch. Because yeah, she liked him-a lot.



One look from you I know you understand
This mess we're in you know is just so out of hand.


Rob frowned at the plate Kristen was pushing towards him.

“Why?” He moaned, his face obviously showing disgust at the perfectly plated collection of raw fish in front of him. “You must hate me a lot.”

“So overdramatic,” Kristen said, rolling her eyes. “Sashimi. You don’t like it?”

“It’s… I’m not a raw food kind of person.”

She pouted, her fingers deftly handling the chopsticks from years of eating this particular delicacy, quickly plucking slices of fresh fish before dipping it in the wasabi-soy sauce dip. Rob sighed, rubbing his face with his hand.

“I hate it when you do that,” Rob muttered, picking up his own chopsticks sloppily as he attempted to grab the sashimi. Kristen giggled as she watched him, her pinky finger hooking with the one on the hand resting on his thigh.

“Just so you remember,” she said, her lips quirking at Rob forcibly swallowing the fish. “I didn’t tell you to eat it.”

“I know,” Rob replied, dropping the chopsticks on the plate. “But you were doing that pouty face and I couldn’t stand seeing it. So yeah, I’ll eat raw fish for you.”

She rolled her eyes and laughed, subtly kissing two fingers before pressing it on Rob’s lips, careful not to let too many people see. He smiled before she dropped her hand, their pinkies looping together underneath the table.

“You can go back to eating your Kobe beef and little chicken cutlets now. I won’t bother you with my raw fish anymore.”

Rob snorted, his fingers squeezing her thigh gently. “Would you like to go outside in a bit? We can smoke if you’re done with these,” he motioned towards the platters spread out in front of them. Kristen nodded and set her chopsticks down. “You sure?”

“Yeah. I kind of wanted to get out of here for a while now.”

He shook his head, quickly grabbing Kristen’s leather jacket from the back of her seat before following her.

“You should’ve said something earlier,” he muttered, his hand darting out to stop her. Kristen stopped and raised an eyebrow at him, her eyes darting towards the jacket he was holding out for her. “It’s cold outside.”

“Thanks,” she grinned, slipping her arms through the sleeves. “You’re too nice to me.”

“I care about you.”

Kristen blinked and smiled lightly, reaching her palm out for him. Rob took her hand and Kristen brought his knuckles to her lips, pressing soft kisses quickly before letting go. They set off for the patio doors, carefully looking over at the people who were stationed outside, groaning at the amount of people (mostly paparazzi) waiting out in the cold. Rob stepped forward, sitting down on the patio steps and making room for Kristen beside him.

“I wish they would just fucking go away,” she sighed, pulling out a pack of cigarettes from her pocket. Rob already had a stick hanging from his mouth, his lighter burning at the ready to light her stick. “Thank you.”

He grinned. “No problem.”

They were quiet for a moment, the sound of squealing girls and grumpy photographers fading into the background. It wasn’t unusual for them to lapse in random bouts of silence like this since they were never the kind of people who constantly needed chatter to be comfortable. Rob looped his right pinky finger with Kristen’s left, offering her a small smile as he blew the smoke in the air.

It had only been a short while since she and Michael broke up, the last time she’d probably ever see him. Despite a lot of screaming and bitter words, Kristen knew that their relationship was already coming to a close. It was nobody’s fault really-things just happen, they grew up. Kristen had learned to open her eyes, and she’d learned to finally give in to her heart.

Rob was calmly looking out into the patio, his teeth clamped down on his lip and his thumb running soothing circles on her knee. The cigarette in his left hand was slowly crumbling to ash and he flicked it off before bringing it back up to his lips, his eyes cutting to her when he saw her staring.


He cocked his head towards her, gray, silky smoke brushing against his lips. She gasped, the look he was giving her was enough answer for the questions inside her head.

“You love me,” she stated, her eyes focused solely on his.

Rob stared at her, his eyebrows raised in amusement. “Are we really going to have a serious talk while we’re outside a freezing restaurant patio?”

“No. It’s just...” Kristen murmured, shaking her head. “I’m… I think I’ve been in love with you for a while now. I just didn’t want to see it.”

“You told me you couldn’t love me yet, that day you broke up with him.”

“It’s not fair for me to let you in when I wasn’t done letting go of someone else.”

Kristen moved their hooked fingers together to rest on his leg, her thumb now having the chance to run circles on the black denim stretched over his knee. Rob smiled and he snuffed his cigarette out, flicking it towards a nearby ashtray.

“That’s alright. I’m willing to wait.”

She scoffed and rolled her eyes, flipping his hand over to trace the lines with her finger. “You’re completely missing the point. You don’t have to wait.”

And Kristen swears it was the brightest she’d seen his eyes, his smile the most genuine she’d ever experienced. Their bubble broke when Ashley and Charlie came over, the sound of the noisy bystanders filtering back in again. Rob sighed loudly, but the light in his eyes never went out.

Kristen looked behind her before whipping her head back, turning to look at Rob. “I know it’s going to be a mess.”

“Doesn’t matter,” Rob said, scooting his body close to her. “It’s all worth it.”



I hope we always feel this way (I know we will)
And in my heart I know that you will always stay.


Kristen smiled when she rolled over in bed and hit something warm and solid beside her, the smell of muted cigarette and soap infiltrating her senses. Rob. The form grunted and Kristen nuzzled her face on the small space between them, her forehead pressed up against his chest.

“So warm,” she mumbled sleepily, her petite hand curling against his chest. Rob hummed and slipped his hand under her shirt, rubbing the small of her back. “Hmmm.”

“You’ll have to get up soon baby,” Rob murmured, his lips pressing kisses in her hair. Kristen pulled away and he smiled at her, sliding down to rest their foreheads against each other. “I’ll go with you to set if you want.”

Kristen’s eyes sparkled and she smiled back, sighing in contentment. “Day off,” she reminded him, pressing her finger against his nose. “Last day before we fly out to L.A.”

“Oh?” Rob teased, his lips turning up to grin widely. “Day off, huh? You sure about that?”

She huffed. “Fine. I’ve got until lunch. And then the next time I’ll see those clothes will be when I go to Argentina.”

He laughed, his arms lifting her from the bed as he rolled them over, Kristen lying on top of him. She grinned back, nuzzling the side of his neck.

“I love you Rob,” she murmured, kissing him on the cheek. “Thanks for coming to visit me.”

Rob smiled back, scrunching his nose at her. “I did tell you I’d go whenever I’m free, remember? I sure hope you haven’t forgotten my promise.”

“No, no. I still remember,” Kristen replied. “I’m just happy you’re here. I know you must be pretty exhausted after that.”

“Well to be fair, you did fly all the way to Hungary for me, on your birthday, no less. And you went to London. I still think you’ve sacrificed more than you should’ve.”

“Are we going to sit here discussing frequent flyer miles? Because really Rob, I don’t care about the fucking transatlantic flights.”

He chuckled, smoothing her hair out. “Exactly my point. I don’t care if I’m exhausted or if I’ve just wrapped filming. I’d always try to get to you as soon as I can,” he said, wiggling his eyebrows. “Besides, the wait is terribly unbearable.”

She rolled her eyes and Rob giggled, the guy actually fucking giggled and Kristen couldn’t help but do the same. It’s been over a year since they’ve gotten together, and a whole lot longer since the moment they’ve met, yet they still felt that connection, that simple spark they had since that day. Kristen smiled, knowing that it was always going to be like this.

“What’s going on in that head of yours?” Rob asked, lightly tapping the side of her head.

Kristen gnawed on her bottom lip before leaning forward to kiss him lightly. “Nothing. Just thinking about how fucking great my boyfriend is.”

He laughed again, his fingers pulling her in for a kiss. “Yeah, well that’s what you get because I love you.”

one-shot, productivity100, shipper: rob/kristen, prompt, rpf, challenge

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