I wanna be the very best like no one ever was

Aug 16, 2012 20:28

Title I wanna be the very best like no one ever was
Pairing Cesc Fabregas/David Silva
Word Count 3800
Rating NC17
Disclaimer Not true
Summary David runs the Cascade Pokemon Reserve when lost trainer Cesc stumbles into his life. Featuring Joe Hart as a clefairy, David Villa as a gengar, and pretty much all the pokemon AU crack you could ever want

Note It's a few days late, but happy birthday bumblebee13 <3 <3 <3 I hope you enjoy this. And thank you albion_lass for beta'ing

It starts one day when there's a loud noise coming from the far side of the mountain down by one of the creeks. David wonders what the purposing of posting 'keep out' signs is if no one actually keeps out. Sometimes it's poachers, but more often than not it's trainers on their way to challenge Hope at the gym. With a sigh, he picks Joe up off the ground and straps him into the backpack he carries the mischievous clefairy in. He presses the red button behind the desk, sending a signal to Officer Jenny at the station to let her know someone is trespassing at the reserve again. A dark shadow follows him as he starts up the trail to where the commotion is coming from.

Twenty minutes later he's pulling a lost trainer who can't escape out of a pack of wild Maradonas. They normally keep to themselves, but when one wild Maradona appears, the rest of the pack is often nearby and since they are endemic to this region, many trainers don't know how to fight them. David is quick to command Joe the clefairy to attack them with sleep powder. As the white powder falls down on the Maradonas, they stop what they are doing and slowly begin to fall asleep.

"You can only use powders on Maradonas," David tells the trainer crossly, not looking at him and instead picking the giggling Joe up and putting him back in the pack. "They're impervious to other attacks."

The trainer doesn't respond and when David turns back around, he sees the man, a boy really, has fainted. David wants to howl with frustration. The dark shadow materializes next to the collapsed boy and a finger reaches out to poke at him.

"David," David snaps at the grinning gengar, "send Mario up here and go into town to get Nurse Joy."

The smile is wiped off the gengar's face and he scowls at David. David points down the trail and with a huff, the gengar is a shadow again speeding down the hill. It doesn't take long for a Machamp, Mario, to arrive. The muscular pokemon is straight-faced as it lifts the unconscious trainer and carries him down to the cabin for David. Nurse Joy and Chancey are already waiting for them, and after they make sure the trainer's pokemon are healed, they make sure the trainer is fine too.

"He'll be fine," she says with her trademark smile, pressing a few bandages onto his skin. "He just needs to sleep and rest for a few days. What better place than a reserve?"

David wants to scowl, tell her he's not playing nurse and babysitter to someone too stupid to heed the warning signs he's put up, but he smiles and nods his head.

"Joe," he waits for Nurse Joy to leave before turning to the clefairy and reaches for a pair of ear plugs, "make sure he stays asleep."

If clefairies can look evil and gleeful at the same time, then Joe does. David slips in his ear plugs as the pink pokemon begins its lullaby. If he could hear it, David knows it would be to the tune of 'Wonderwall'. Joe is a strange clefairy.


It's been seven years since he's come to Cascadia, a small region far away from Kanto, Johto, and the other more popular and well known areas. He's seen his fair share of trainers over the years-- washouts from the bigger regions, big shots who have conquered the other leagues and now train here, smarter trainers who start small with bigger dreams and aspirations. David has never wanted to be any of them.

When he was a child he would watch as they came to the islands to challenge Blaine or to hunt for pokemon in the volcanoes. His mother worked at the Pokemon Center and David saw his fair share of injured pokemon after battles. It's a world he never wanted to be part of. It's a world he never thought he would escape until the volcanoes erupted and Cinnabar was destroyed. He wandered for a while, working in the Pokemon Centers the big cities of Kanto before catching the train to Johto and doing it all over again. It wasn't the life he wanted. David wanted to help Pokemon, not the people who used them and injured them again and again.

A job posting was listed on the board of the Center in Olivine for a caretaker on a reserve in the Cascadia region. Too far off the beaten track, the posting had been up for months and no one wanted to take it. David saw everything he wanted and left without a backward glance.


David wakes up when hears someone screaming. To be more precise, he wakes up when someone practically screams in his ear. He bolts up from the piles of blankets on the floor and stares at his bed. The trainer is awake with his back pressed against the wall; a giant flaming and sparking shadow is whirling on the bed in front of him, coming terrifyingly closer.

"David!" David snaps from the floor and two red eyes appear in the electric and fiery vortex. "Stop."

In a blink of the eye, a gengar is sitting where the cloud used to be. It smiles like the cheshire cat before jumping off the bed with a flounce and disappearing into the floor. Joe sticks his head in the room, curiosity piqued by the screaming, and he waddles over to David and sits in his lap.

"Where am I?" The trainer asks him and David stares more at his ridiculous eyebrows than at his dark eyes.

"Cascade pokemon reserve outside of Seattle," David tells him slowly, batting Joe's hands away as the clefairy attempts to play with his hair. "You were attacked by a pack of Maradonas."

The boy frowns and David doesn't know if he's confused or just slow on the uptake. "Where are my pokemon?" David doesn't say anything, but points to the backpack laying on the table next to the bed. "Did the poachers get anything?"

Poachers? David raises an eyebrow and frowns. He hasn't seen anything unusual in the past few weeks, but there are rumors Team Rocket has been spotted in the area. David asks Joe to go find a few flying types to fly over the reserve to see if anything is out of place. Joe waddles out of the room with a bounce in his step, humming another Oasis song.

"Um... thank you for helping me?" It comes out more as a question than a thank you, but David smiles and shrugs. "My name is Cesc."

"I'm David," he offers, standing and beginning to fold the blankets and stack them in a neat pile.

"Didn't you call your gengar David?" Cesc asked him and David nods. "You named your gengar after yourself?"

"I was three!" David defends his name choice, but Cesc laughs anyway.

"Oh my god, you are too cute," Cesc crows and David begins to color. "Ha! Are you blushing?"


"You're blushing." Cesc reaches over and pinches David's cheek and David just stares at him as if he can't believe someone he's just met pinched him.

"I'm going to have David tap dance on your stomach in the middle of the night."

Cesc doesn't stop laughing and David makes a mental note to have Joe put him to sleep for longer periods of time. And if he's strong enough to laugh, he can sleep on the floor and David can have his bed back.


"And you're sure they were poachers?"

"Well I didn't ask them, but as they were trying to catch a colony of mudkips, I would assume so."

David sits and listens as Officer Jenny asks repetitive question after repetitive question after repetitive question. It's a warm summer day and they're sitting behind the cabin. Cesc doesn't like to keep his pokemon confined to their balls and they're playing together in the yard. Well, that might be a stretch. He has a raticate named Robin who is sulking under the back porch, and a particularly pale jigglypuff named Iker who slapped Joe for laughing at him and kicked David in the shin for pointing it out. Of course Joe takes offense to nothing and takes to following Iker around and poking at him before they both fall asleep in the shade of Cesc's sunning tangela Puyol.

The gem of Cesc's little ragtag team of pokemon is a gigantic slowbro named Geri. Slowpokes are normally large pokemon, a little over five feet tall, but Geri is somewhere between six and seven feet tall and dwarfs Cesc as it lays next to him, lazily dozing in the sun and occasionally reaching up to pinch Cesc's ear. David wonders if Cesc has more and chooses to only travel with four or if he only needs the four.

"I've had Geri since I was little," Cesc tells him after Officer Jenny leaves. "He followed me home from the river and wouldn't leave. He's my best friend." Geri giggles maniacally and swats at the side of Cesc's face. "I caught the other three when I first started and didn't really feel like I needed anyone else. What's the point of having so many pokemon that you can't be friends with them and they have to live in pokeballs? That's not good for them."

David decides Cesc is more than a stupid trainer with bad eyebrows. Maybe he can even stay a while. David still wants his bed back though.


Cesc recovers quickly, but stays longer anyway. He makes up some excuse about wanting his pokemon to have a break and a little vacation. David doesn't question him. It's nice having someone around to help him look after the pokemon and maintain the trail running through the reserve.

He learns Cesc is from Johto, from Goldenrod city, and that he can't cook, likes bad tv shows, and might be dorkier than David is. He's also kind of annoying, but for some reason it makes him more endearing. David doesn't protest when Cesc crawls into bed next to him. He does put a stop to Geri trying to crawl in too. Cesc claims it's not fair David can have David sleep in the bed and Cesc can't have Geri in the bed, but when David points out a gengar doesn't weigh anything and can shrink to any size, Cesc pouts but relents. David wakes to Cesc curled around him and Geri eating all the ice cream in the freezer.


The poachers try again in the middle of the night. Joe wakes David with few smacks across his face and David is out the door in under a minute. Climbing onto his bike, he sprints toward the lights and commotion. The target is most like a Bellossom colony near the waterfalls and his theory is confirmed. Luckily for him Bellossom are often underestimated and they, with the help of a few other pokemon, already have the poacher disarmed and disabled on the ground.

David calls Officer Jenny and she picks up the lone Team Rocket grunt. After checking to make sure none of the Bellossom are injured, David bikes back to his cabin. Cesc is still passed out, having slept through the entire thing. In David's absence, Geri has climbed into the bed and is wrapped around Cesc. Joe is snuggled in one of Geri's arms and David glares daggers at the snoring clefairy.


"I think you're just jealous that Geri got all the snuggles last night," Cesc tells David when he glares at him across the table.

"No one's getting cuddles anymore," David stabs murderously at his cereal.

Cesc laughs. Leaning across the table, he presses a kiss against David's lips. Cesc tastes fruity, like Trix. David is slow to respond and by the time he does, Cesc yelps and jumps out of his chair. Gengar David is behind him, electricity jumping from his fingertips, huge grin on his face; Cesc's pants have an electric burn on his ass.

"Stupid rabbit," David tells him, his blush giving him away, "trix are for kids."

"You're a dork," Cesc tells him, still wiggling from where Gengar David zapped him. "A dork with an evil gengar."

"You're the one kissing me," David points out and Cesc shrugs. "It was kind of a crappy kiss though. You're like the weedle of kisses."

"Because I'm weedling my way into your heart?"

David stares at Cesc, who doesn't look the slight bit sheepish. Or would that be mareepish?

"I'm going to need a paralyze heal because your pick up lines are stunning." David finally tells him.

Cesc just gives him that nerdy little laugh and kisses him again. David pulls Cesc into the bedroom, banishing all the pokemon from the cabin under threat of pokeball confinement. Gengar David tries to follow them in, but David pulls him aside and has a few words with him. David thinks his pokemon might be jealous, but perhaps the promise of ice cream later will be enough to dissuade him from zapping Cesc at inopportune times. Geri just looks at David with a leer he didn't know slowbros were capable of and he slams the door shut, locking it behind him for good measure.

When he turns around, Cesc already has his shirt off and has somehow fallen over in his attempts to remove his pants. David has a feeling this is going to be awkward, but he doesn't really care. He snickers to himself and removes his shirt as Cesc struggles to stand up again.

"Don't bother," David mutters as he pushes Cesc down on the bed and climbs on top of him.

"Is that a sudowoodo in your pocket or are you just happy to mufph-" David smashes their lips together so Cesc can't finish speaking.

David's hand brushes against the bare skin of Cesc's chest, smooth and warm underneath his fingertips. Reaching down, he cups Cesc through his boxers and Cesc gasps and bucks up into his hand. David grins against the skin of Cesc's jaw and nibbles gently as his fingers caress and tease, but pull away every time Cesc groans in approval. The cabin shakes as the earth rumbles; David suspects their pokemon are battling each other to pass time. Cesc uses the diversion to grab David's waist and roll him to the side to straddle his lap. David lays there beneath him, arms pinned to the either side of his head by Cesc's hands, staring up at Cesc with dark eyes.

He wills himself to lay absolutely still when Cesc releases one of his wrists and runs his fingers over the various bruises on David's body. David can't hold still though, when Cesc presses down on one right above his hipbone; David hisses and tries to pull away, but Cesc holds him firm. Leaning down, Cesc licks at David's neck, at the junction of his neck and shoulder, biting down hard enough for it to hurt before soothing the area with his tongue. Cesc is warm against him in the cool morning air of the room as David writhes underneath his licks and caresses. For all the little tortures, Cesc is being a little too gentle and slow with him.

"Just because I live alone doesn't make me a blushing virgin," David grumbles as he twists one of his legs free and hooks it around Cesc's waist, grinding their hips together. "Let me make this easy for you-- attraction, harden, pound."

Cesc tries to laugh, but it comes out as more of a strangled moan. David presses up into him, friction mind numbing and burning, taking the smile right off of Cesc's face. Cesc picks up the pace and somewhere in their frantic rubbing and awkwardly timed everything else, Cesc manages to rid them both of the last clothing layer between them so David is splayed naked beneath him. David reaches between them and takes them both in his hand, pumping them together as Cesc stutters and groans above him.

"Lube's in the drawer," David tells him in between breaths and Cesc blindly fumbles through the drawer for it.

Finding it, he squeezes it in triumph, causing the top to pop open and a jet of lube to hit him in the face. He pauses for a moment, as if unable to comprehend what has happened, and David begins to laugh beneath him.

"I can fuck your mouth if you want," David wheezes as he laughs and Cesc scowls and wipes the lube off his face and onto his fingers.

David stops laughing when Cesc's fingers clumsily circle his hole and press in without finesse. Gritting his teeth, he refuses to gasp or moan as Cesc pushes them in and out in a circular motion, grin on his face, cheek still lightly coated in lube. Cesc captures his mouth in a messy kiss, more saliva and sloppy licks than anything else, but David's past the point of caring. When Cesc takes his fingers out David can't help the whine that escapes his lips.

Cesc reaches down and pumps David's cock a few times, drawing the most undignified sounds from him. David wants Cesc in him, wants that burning stretch and satisfaction of being full, but Cesc is taking his time and it's driving David crazy. Reaching up, he flicks Cesc's ear and growls at him to hurry up. Cesc shrugs and pushes in; David arches up and moans loud enough for the commotion outside to stop for a long second before it starts up again. They exchange a glance, before shrugging and getting back to it, this time a little quieter.

For all his clumsy and awkward actions, Cesc is more than adequate and quickly brings him to the brink of orgasm before pulling away. It's a talent, the way Cesc builds the tension and burn in his body only to deny David right before release; Cesc is good at reading his body. He whispers words David hears but is too wrecked to understand in his ear, breath hot and burrowing its way permanently beneath his skin. David likes the way Cesc feels against him, uncomfortable but like he's always been there, an extension of David he didn't realize he was missing until now. He comes with a shout, electric waves of pleasure cascading through his body as Cesc carries him through his orgasm and holds him as he collapses. David lays there in a haze, jolts still shooting through him as Cesc continues to move against him. Cesc gives a little whimper when he comes, hot and so illicitly wet inside of David, and David holds Cesc against him as he tries to regain the ability to breathe.

When Cesc's breathing slows, he picks his head up from where it's slumped on David's shoulder and gives him a little grin. David rolls his eyes, but he's has a smile and half a laugh on his lips.


David goes with Cesc to the gym in Seattle to support him as he battles Hope for the Sounder badge. He doesn't get it- Hope's ponyta Alex and flaafy Megan run circles around him; David feels like Cesc isn't trying his hardest. After a stop by the Pokemon Center, David brings him back to the reserve secretly pleased that Cesc has a reason to stay and train here now. Cesc doesn't seem too put out by it and as he sits behind the cabin watching his pokemon play together, he has a content, lopsided grin on his face. Joe and Iker seem to have found some truce and are cuddled up together on Cesc's lap.

"I think he's going to stay for a while," David tells his gengar as he cooks dinner.


"It doesn't mean I don't love you. But come on, you could stop shocking him and lighting his stuff on fire."


"I mean, if you found someone you wanted to be with, I wouldn't jump out of the shadows and scare them."

Gengar David grins for a moment before he crosses his arms and sits down with a huff. David puts the mixing bowl down and sits down across from the pouting ghost pokemon. Gengar David slouches over, collapsing into David's lap and David runs his hand through the purple fur, scratching him behind his ears. It's been just the two of them since David followed David home as a ghastly when he was just a toddler. Others have come and gone-- Joe started following them outside of Pewter City after he failed to steal a blue moonstone David had-- but the David's have always been together. David understands his gengar's reluctance to let a human stay.

"If he ends up being a jerk, you can do whatever you want to him."

That puts the cheshire cat grin back on his face and his eyes glow red for a moment before he sinks through the floor and outside. David hears Cesc yelp and he feels like he should sigh, but he chuckles to himself instead.

"Other David is kind of evil," Cesc's pants are still smoking when he comes inside and puts his hands on each side of David, pinning him against the counter and kissing him behind the ear. "He's like a bratty child who's pissed I'm dating his mom."

David glares at Cesc and elbows him in the stomach. Cesc lets out a little 'oof' and stumbles back and falls into a chair. Putting the bowl down again (at this rate dinner is never going to be finished), David straddles Cesc's lap, nipping at his lips.

"I lost on purpose," Cesc mumbles against David's mouth.

"I know."

"I like you. Can I stay?"

David smiles against Cesc's lips. "Are you going to tell people we met when I saved you from wild maradonas?"

Cesc throws his head back as he laughs and gives David a wink that's supposed to be sexy but comes off as a little dorky instead. David thinks he's kind of perfect.

cesc fabregas, joe hart, fic, david villa, carles puyol, iker casillas, mario balotelli, david silva, gerard pique, robin van persie

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