
Feb 09, 2007 23:02

i had the funniest dream.
let me tell you all about it.

ok. so there is this guy that i use to go to school with in my elementary years..
and he was a mean guy you know. a bully maybe, but not really my own personal bullly. [but there was this one time in kindergarten when he tried to trip me during the pledge of allegiance..and i was in school with him til 8th grade.. but anyways back to the dream] anyways... in the dream we were both in high school together in a chemistry class or something.
and we were fighting and i was really vicious and mean and fighting with him verbally.. and then
i said, "do you want to fight or something" with my fist all ready and what not..and he was like "bring it on, and he had a look on his face like he could brake me.
and then we didnt fight bc we were in class.. and then he called me a bitch.
and then i called him an asshole.

that was a weird dream.
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