im good thanks.
wow its been years since ive read you.
well so long. maybe ill bump into you again.
you know..what do ppl really mean when they say.. "yah maybe ill run into you again sometime"
-i think they are really hoping not to bump into you again.
wow thats a positive out look on life.
haha.. but seriously, if they did want to see you again they would hang out wouldnt they? instead of saying you know maybe ill run into you again?
yah. ok... thats all
anyways. im bored and i dont really use this thing. and since im stuck in this computer lab for..ooh.. about three more hours because i dont want to go and then come back for my final...then might as well spend it writing in here right?.. i dont need 3 hours to study some more.. i dont think ill last that long. i was told that the brain works in 90 minute cycles.. but then again i can be totally wrong. or i might have just remembered wrong. anyways. according to my brain.. i can only work in about 60 minute cycles. stop break. and work again.....sometimes.
-one more final to go. art history! im aiming for that A. i really like that class. and its weird bc i actually can remember artists, titles, and dates. its weird. and another thing.. i have to remember the exact date or else i feel like im cheating learning ability even though our teacher says we can round up to the decade. i feel more comfortable with exact dates. ill miss that class. im dreading the other art history classes next semester from what i hear of the professors. yikes.
-i did fairly well this semester with it being my busiest semester yet. i dread next semester. and all to come.
-i havnt spent a lot of time with my friends. but soon enough! its christmas break.
ooh oooh..
good news.
i have a nephew. his name is bing
and hes small and cute
pictures will come soon.
oh that Bing.
aesop has a new play mate.
this vacation:
i cant wait to go to mh
and if i dont ill cry.
anyways to end this why dont we just have a flashback
back in the day
now isnt this something