Feb 19, 2009 10:53
went to tampa for 10 days which was fun. couldnt do much wth my mom but it was wesome just being able to spend time with her. it sucked comming back to this shitty weather, but was good to see friends/ girlfriend again.
its really working out with me and lindsey. had an awesome valentines day.we cooked dinner together and rented a DVD. she gave me the sweetest card anyone has ever given me.
the day after valentines day lindsey and i got together and grabbed coffee..then we went to the library to post her esue online.. then we went bowling and watched a movie..had leftover dinner from the night before and went to ginas birthday thingy at the village. i had lindsey call greg...so greg showed up later but lindsey had aleady left..she had to work in the am. greg and i stayed for a while but eventually ctraved food. it sucks that one can not get late night chinese in warwick. we ended up going to denny's and calling it a night.
now lindsey is on vacation in florida so i figure have some time to do me stuff and time to hang with friends. and a guy i know from work wants me to work out with him. o my i cant picture me with muscles