Jun 06, 2007 15:25
Well, I was perusing Netflix, like you do, and I realized that a movie that I've wanted to see, Fay Grim, is out on DVD. I excitedly put it on my queue. As I basked in the glory of the movies I'll soon have coming by seeing the shining faces of Almodovar, Altman, Kurosawa and others, I thought about Fay Grim. Ok, I thought. Parker Posey's the main character. Cool. The dude who does the voice of Dr. Venture on The Venture Brothers is in it. Also cool. Wait, in the trailer for this movie, which I've seen recently, who played the cop/FBI agent/authority figure? Was it...no, not him. How about...nope. Oh! He was black! He was definitely black. Danny Glover? Nope...Samuel L. Jackson? Nope...Huh. I'm really curious who this black guy that I know I like is. So I looked up the movie on IMDb.
It was Jeff Goldblum.
Jeff Goldblum is black. Tell everyone.