Nov 20, 2006 02:46
I sat in the crowded theatre for Stranger then Fiction, listening to the general babble of to many humans in too small a space. As is my habit I focused in on snippits of random conversations to get a gauge on the over all mood of the rom. I was trying to fight the realization that alot of the people seated aorund me were prepared for a Will Ferril movie, expecting shots of him running naked down the street. I hd alredy seen it so I knew what to expect and I was curious to see if this beautiful, insightful, and captivating movie could grab them. It didn't through the entire movie people talked and made jokes they though were funnier then the movie. There was a guy sitting next to Becky on my right who had a pretencious laugh tht reminded me of my ex, it is a laugh that says "I am so more entertained by this then you becasue my intelect is greater and I can feel more deeply, no one can laugh at this movie like I can" which is simpley not true. There was a collection of younge African American teenagers in the back corner who did not stop for breath in there babbleing and caused the four 50 year old white people sitting in front of them to get up and leave and two other to move to the front row. Becky was aggitated the entire film, trying her damndest to focus on the movie and I couldn't blame her, I fealt awful that her first time seeing the movie was so disruptive. For me however it was very interesting, I was curious when I first saw the movie if it could bring people past there preconcieved notions and still land a punch.
It could not with this group. Alot of things accured to me while Iwas watching the movie slash people , but one that stuck with me was the idea that in America today we have no opinions about the things that matter. We can't be bothered to make a stand on anything political or social because "we don't know enough about it, we don't care, we don't have time" but there I sat ina movie theatre full of people most of whom fealt they were entitled to give there opinion on every single thing, and they had the time to sit and watch a movie they didn't want to enjoy.
to be continued on the topic of sexual issues in America...