reflections on a third week

Sep 23, 2010 18:52

Quite a lot of reflecting, isn't it?

Mathieu had off last Tuesday, so I was less willing to leave to go to class than usual. But I got on the train and went to my intro to programming course. I hadn't brought my laptop, but the professor spent most of the lecture showing us examples of code in Maple, so I really wished I had brought it so I could try out some of the things he was doing. There was no new assignment in tutorial that evening, so I came straight home.

Wednesday, I did not get nearly enough sleep, which hopefully does not become a pattern. The professor informed us that there will be no lecture on Friday, and I looked in my calendar and confirmed that it's another Jewish holiday. There's another one next Friday too. Missing class last Friday wasn't too detrimental, I didn't get lost in math. I worked most of the homework problems during my break.

Then there was math for compsci, where we discussed some odd symbols that confused me at first (quantifiers), leading me to think that I needed to attend tutorial. But halfway into the class, the nature of the symbols became clear and I decided to head straight home after lecture. I just need to do some practicing on my own, which does not necessitate sitting for an hour in a room doing problems as a group.

Today was my French course, where we discussed our test next week (which I think is 17% of my final grade). It should be rather easy, we won't even be tested on today's material, so there's only two lectures' worth on it which only includes l'enchaînement et syllabation. Piece of cake, that. Though today's lecture did run long and there was more work in lab, so I ended up taking the 16:15 train out of Vendôme, landing me home before 17:30. Hot.

Before last weekend, I had thought that working all weekend was not relaxing. While it's true that the work itself can be hectic, it starts much later than most of my courses and so I get more time at home, which can be very relaxing. Also, a six-hour shift keeps me out of the house for maybe six and a half hours. A two hour course keeps me out of the house for an equal amount of time.

Mathieu wanted to download a Dreamcast Sonic game that recently became available on the PSN, so I told him he could if I got Final Fantasy VIII. It seems I'm working my way backward through the PS1 Final Fantasies. It is so wonderfully convenient to be able to play them on my PSP, however I've noticed that FFVIII tends to bug out in battle at times, generally after I've spent a lot of time doing something repetitive and boring that is beneficial in the long run. Perhaps some force is trying to point out to me that grinding is not worth it.

Mathieu is still pleased with his iPod. He keeps remarking on the unlikelihood of my keeping a secret for any period of time. I only hope I can do it the next time I have some surprise planned. Though I'm having trouble thinking up one that can top the iPod; the timing was perfect. When do I ever have the cash to purchase a gift whose usefulness is emphasized by the failing of its inferior version?

I've been writing more lately, which is partially due to prompts from writing_addicts and partially due to my willingness to actually put down thoughts. I want to print things out and keep them in a folder or binder, though. The last time I really wrote a lot, my laptop crashed and ate everything and then I was very upset. I now have a desktop which should be more reliable, but I'd rather not leave things to chance. I should get an accordion folder or something to keep my stuff in.

I'm feeling ready to get another tattoo, but I first want to be sure that it will be hoodie-wearing weather for the foreseeable future, that way I can keep it covered when the sun is out. I almost have enough money in my personal savings, and I'm certainly owed enough. I also want to wait because the last pay was the last one that had me working more hours than school will allow, and I want to be sure that we're on stable financial ground before I use my personal savings. The reason I'm owed so much is that I've used my savings time and again when our accounts have run too dry and we needed something before the pay. But we've been working on spending less on stupid stuff we don't need (like junk food) and it's been going well so far.

tattoos, mathieu, finances, work, school

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