Two-Face! TT's Cyborg! J. Michael Straczynski! All in one excellent lost gem of a comic!

Nov 09, 2008 23:43

So after the last entry I posted, I discovered that this community has quieted down a good deal in the months since TDK's release. It appears that I'm late to the party, but I've still got a proverbial full keg for anyone who's interested.

With that in mind, I'd like to share with you all one of my all-time favorite stand-alone issues (and subsequently, one of my favorite Two-Face appearances), the little-known but thoroughly awesome TEEN TITANS SPOTLIGHT # 13.

Here, we have the unlikeliest of pairings when the TT's Cyborg faces off against Harvey. It's the kind of seemingly bizarre (but truly inspired) match-up not often seen outside of good fanfic.

And to make it all the more impressive, it's the first ever comic work by the then-head-writer of THE REAL GHOSTBUSTERS, a guy by the name of J. Michael Straczynski. You might also know him as the guy behind BABYLON 5, many Marvel Comics, and the current Clint Eastwood/Angelina Jolie film THE CHANGELING (but we won't hold that against him). That fact alone would make this story notable, even if it weren't as powerful as it is.

Furthermore, from a purely Harvey standpoint, this is one of the few comics to really do a fascinating exploration of the dynamic between Harvey's two selves, even if Harvey's actual motives are reduced more purely to the superficial kind. In some ways, this story--bizarrely enough--is the closest thing Two-Face has to his own KILLING JOKE. He's not targeting Cyborg to be evil, but to prove a point.

The fact that this story isn't in print somewhere is the greatest crime at all, so if you haven't read it yet (as I'm guessing most of you haven't), I implore you to do so.

Read the whole thing here: Harvey Dent versus Vic Stone in 'Face to Face to Face to Face.'

Hope you like it! Or at the very least, I'd love to hear your thoughts, those of you still active out here!


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