Australian Music Month Day 6

Sep 09, 2005 21:19

A bunch of songs tonight since it's friday and I don't know if I'll have the time/resources to post more music from my Dad's place this weekend. It's his 50th birthday tomorrow and my stepmother has planned a semi-surprise party. And since I'm going to the city anyway, I plan to buy more shoes!!!

One of my favourites from singer/songwriter Alex Lloyd - Amazing

More Midnight Oil - One Country

Two more Regurgitator songs, the first Polyester Girl is from the same album as ! (The Song Formerly Known As), which in case I didn't mention it before, is my favourite of their albums. The next is Fat Cop, which is from a more recent album. Regurgitator are well known for making very different albums, changing their music style each time and releasing totally new stuff. And yeah, Fat Cop is really funny and the video was funny too.

Now the next song I didn't even realise was Australian until my sister told me a minute ago. So Beautiful by Pete Murray is one of my favourite songs at the moment, I recently sent it to rikes because I loved it, but I had thought he was American. His music is similar to Jack Johnson's (whatever you call that style/genre), and so yeah, I just thought he was American aswell. Anyway, you simply must download this song, it is freakin excellent! And now that I listen to it again, it seems quite strange that I didn't notice the accent. But I did only just notice that the guy who has been sitting across from me at work for the last 6 weeks is English. *rolls eyes*

And lastly Grinspoon - Just Ace (super short song), since I just remembered that they existed.
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