Jul 16, 2007 23:12
hey. not too much to update about. so far summer has been so much fun. SO many laughs and so many new memories mannnn. chels and i wake up at 936, get ready, and meet up. and the day is so much longer and better! it's really great. the "6" of us are done with whatever happened. we're just over the whole situation. we've all hung out, and it hasn't been half as awkward or terrible as we all thought. it was opposite. it was fun just like old times. so that's a pretty good accomplishment.
eh. im going to bermuda on wednesday for 10 days and i really dont wanna go. it's pretty selfish but i just wanna stay home and be with the people i love. not that i dont love my family.. because i do. but 10 days is really unnecessary. i know that my mom and dad work their asses off and they have been working their whole lives and THEY deserve a vacation. but i really dont need one. its funny because for most of this year, i just wanted to leave this town. and be by myself and escape EVERY single thing and EVERY single person. and then i couldn't wait to go to bermuda. haha so funny because now im dreading it.
im content with my life and how everything is right now. but im ready for more change because i know it's coming. and i'm already so happy with how my attitude towards life has changed. that's what friends are for dood. they help you out when you don't know what the fuck to believe in anymore and i love my best friend chelsey. and i love my best friend lisa for telling me to never ever give up. they're my rocks and i'm so grateful for everything right now. just breathing in and having no worries, it's the most incredible feeling. if only life could stay this way forevahh.
we've got nothing to do but when i look at you, i see someone i know and i love
and just the crack of your smile made me stay for a while
for my home, there is nothing above
in the end, i can always call my friends, its something that i pray will be true
and in a thousand years after a thousand tears
i will find my original crew
cause to me, theres nowhere else that i'd rather be
than back there at my home.