Fic: Fall Down at Your Door (Spn, Dean/Sam)

Jun 27, 2012 20:19

I wrote fic for spn_j2_bigbang!!! And got some amazing accompanying artwork by sillie82!!

Fic title: Fall Down at Your Door
Author name: WesleysGirl
Artist name: Sillie82
Genre: SPN Wincest
Pairing: Dean/Sam
Rating: NC-17
Word count: 21,000
An apocalypse has left the world in shambles, most of the human population dead and the cities overrun with monsters. Dean Winchester, raised as an only child by a single mom who died in the apocalypse, spends his days driving across the country in his vintage Impala. He's rescued from a monster attack by a young stranger named Sam. The two get involved before they discover that the photo of his dad that Dean's been carrying around all these years is a photo of a man Sam recognizes, too. How will they deal with what they've found out? And how will they survive the post-apoc landscape?
Link to fic: Fall Down at Your Door
Link to art:

Many thanks to janedavitt and dancetomato for their help, and countless thanks to sillie82 for the spectacular artwork.

You can download a pdf here -
Thanks to dawnmyst for the pdf!

spn fic

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