SPN 10.01

Oct 08, 2014 22:38

The Road So Far looks completely unfamiliar. I didn't know I missed so much of season 9.

That moment when Sam opened Dean's "let me go" note. Probably the saddest puppy eyes in 10 seasons. I'm kind of uncomfortable objectifying him when he is looking vulnerable with his arm in a sling, because the sling is for a RL injury. Still, it's an attractive look to me. Focused to the point of obsession, competent, hurt and exhausted but not giving up Sam is my favorite Sam.

Whoa, Dean showed his... tattoo! Definitely the highlight of the episode. I love how Dean is so aimless, no fucks given about anything including Crowley's evil plans, but when Sam is mentioned he becomes deadly focused in an instant. Like with Robo!Sam, there's a certain connection even if one of them is practically inhuman.

I liked the blond girl, she was attracted to Dean but she didn't have any illusions. Glad that she didn't die.

My other favorite part was Sam interviewing the convenience store clerk. Super funny, and a goldmine for tumblr reaction gifs.

Tried to watch the Cas bits, but they didn't hold my attention, to be honest. Maybe it's because I have forgotten or never even watched the backstory there, maybe they are actually boring. Solemn faces, elevated discourse, lots of stabbing, nothing about his solo scenes ever changes. Oh well, Crowley stays sharp, so I'm good.

Definitely interesting in what they are setting up, can't wait for Sam and Dean to meet. The guy who is hunting Dean is very intriguing, not to mention hot. I especially like him for providing us with Sam bondage.


season ten

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