SPN 9.22

May 15, 2014 18:02

I hope nothing bad happened to that cute toddler who wanted an ice-cream dessert.

It would've looked so much better if the characters Dean kept intimidating throughout then episode were men, instead of Tessa, the labcoat woman, etc. It would still be dark!Dean, but less Joffrey, you know? IDK, I just don't enjoy a sight of a man grabbing a woman, physically dragging her away and barking "Settle down!"

Sam and Cas vs the Door battle cracked me up. So epic. Lockpicks! Shoulder slam! The door doesn't give a fuck! Random Lord of the Rings reference! And now meet another door, the boss door. The door to Heaven!!! "If we control this door..." I'm rooting for you guys, come on, vanquish the door! Take it down! Oh well, it's open.

Tessa looked amazing, I really enjoyed her scenes, even though her being corporeal contradicted the previous canon. Enjoyed up to a certain point. Tessa and Dean are talking about their poor life choices, gazing into each other's eyes soulfully, it's all quite shippy and OOPS SHE DEAD.

A lot of things in the episode felt random and unnecessary. Maybe the writers are getting a bit scatter-brained, maybe I am. Could be both, even. But seriously, does Metatron-Not-The-Transformer need to be this much meta? Explaining everything, monologuing this much? Gad's bitchfacing throughout all his windbaggery was pretty epic, that's the only redeeming factor.

I intensely dislike the scene where Dean tells Sam "it's a dictatorship" and Sam breathes heavily for a while and leaves. IDK what the writers were aiming for. A stern leader puts his sidekick in line, like Batman and Robin? One family member abuses another, like Sleeping With The Enemy? Anyway, it was unpleasant to watch.

The final feral!Dean scene was unintentionally funny and lightened up the mood quite a bit. Slow talking, lingering looks, cheesy line delivery, then Dean loses it in sloooooow mooooootion. "I've been sleeping on the couch for months because of you! For months!" That's the only dark!Dean moment that brought me joy so far.

I hope the finale has more of Dean making that funny growly face and less Meta-scheming.


season nine

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