Introduction Part 1: The test begins.

Feb 26, 2007 01:22

June 11 2006: The pack sets off on their right of passage around 8 PM. Road-Runner has now been a named garou for a full month. Thinking-Stone distributes an envelope to each of the pack members, but because the envelopes are laced with silver only those in breed form can pick them up. The lupus end up carrying their letters in their mouths. The pack is told to head to Cloud-Tower and then read their letters. Brian suggests that everyone go through the trod after it's decided that the moon bridge likely won't be available. Guarding the Old Oak is Victor, who Brian hasn't met directly before. Brian asks if the trod can be used but the request gets declined by Duke Baedden as Baedden is concerned that it would cost too much glamour to enchant all 7 of the werewolves. They decide to walk in the end, Sparky carries everyone's letters in her backpack.

June 12 2006: At 6 AM the pack decides to take a rest, Marilyn and Road-Runner take first watch, Sparky and Digger take 2nd watch. At 12 AM the pack sets off again.

June 13 2006: The pack arrives at Cloud-Tower shortly after midnight. The receptionist refuses to let them in as they don't have a reservation. Brian leaves the building and sneaks in through the umbra and checks the elevator. When he sees that it can still be used he gets the rest of the pack to get on the elevator through the umbra. They try to go up to the living areas but the elevator stops on floor 2 and won't move. At this point they begin to realize they've been trapped on a defense floor. Brian tries to break through the elevator wall to escape but it has silver in the walls. They notice there seems to be gas filling the hallway.

The pack eventually begins exploring into the hallway when traps start going off. Digger uses his shovel to bait the first trap, a blade that drops from the ceiling and then holds it down. Trevor climbs over the blade only to lose his foot to another identical blade 4 inches further down the hall. His foot grows back though, so they know the blades aren't silver. They start ripping the blades out of the wall. After a few feet of doing this Riley passes out from the gas. When he passes out his arm goes under one of the blades and gets removed. The others start passing out slowly as Digger and Trevor increase the pace of the trap removal. After a total of 6 feet (24) of the sliding blades, the blades stop. Digger explores forward, and a 4 foot deep, 4 foot wide pit with spikes opens up below him. Digger manages to avoid falling in. At this point everyone but Digger and Trevor have passed out. Trevor tries leaping over the pit. On the other side of the pit the wall unloads a few dozen arrows into Trevor. The blood loss and gas make Trevor pass out as well. Digger is now the last one left up, he drags all of his pack back to the elevator before the gas knocks him out as well.

Later, the pack wakes up in a dumpster. Sketch finds them in the dumpster and offers to help them get in touch with Road-Block so they can get into Cloud-Tower in exchange for removing a squatter problem from his apartment. Sketch reveals himself to be a mage from the Order of Hermes.

To Be Continued...
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