Jolly New Christmakwanzikha

Jan 19, 2010 20:20

Damn strait. So its like almost a month into the new year and this is my first post. AWESOME. Well, New Years was amazing, spent it at Ericas (thankies hun!) in CH, NOT Colorado (sp? Im lame) and it was amazing. To much food, Baileys and Dr. Tremor (not together)

Christmas was also amazing, Ishah got to meet a more disfunctional family then her own, I got awesome sweatshrits, dragons and much Jewelery, great for my newly girlyness! (Girraffes and DRAGONS!) and made many gifts, still have many to give away.

Since New Years I have many lame excuses for not posting:

1. Brina was a BRAT the first two weeks, not herself at ALL. I mean me yelling and putting her in her room for hours at a time bad.

2. MaryKay weekend! Less pictures then ususal because it was a 4 hour event, but we drove to San Diego and saw uncle Dennis and Dog. will post picts soon

3. Im lazy as hell.

4. Bar hoping is more funt hen blogging. Especially with pretty guys with accents. yum. BTW, to awesome Welsh guy- You sound like Sean Connery so no, YOUR fucking awesome! XD (A welsh guy called me awesome! ME! Fat friend!!! Im SOOO Excited!)

So yes, last weekend Ishah, her friend Alison and I went bar hoping. We took this guy Mark who s supposed to have a crush on me but he's not my type.. and wouldnt talk to me.. and RAN out of Lauries... LAURIES! The BEST BAR EVER! NOT gunna work. lol, but it was super fun, we hit lauries, then headed downtown and hit Streets of London (and met welsh guy and green jacket guy and brtish guy and funny hat guy) then we followed funny hat guy and green jacket guy to the shady lady for Alison. Ishah and Alison got SMASHED, and walked in heels (im Awstruck) No one fell, no one made poor choices and we all got home safe! Uber successful! plus guys bought us drinks. yum.

So yes, this is an update on me. oh almost forgot to annoy Erica ;)

Lvl'd up a battle tower team, i just copy and pasted one off Smogon that won like 200 in a row, and its fabulous. I keep getting walled at battle 39 though, maybe because I keep getting HAX'd or i accidently SpD trained them instead of Speed trained... (Abbreviations are to confusing) Also, I keep getting HAX'd. Really, how does a ROTOM BEAT TYRANITAR?!?! No fing way. ghost/electric vs dark/rock? really? and how does psychic miss not once, not twice, not 6 times, but 10 TIMES IN A ROW with NO WEATHER?!?! against LAPRAS? I understand my thunders missing but COME ON. i finally induced weather and took a darn lapras down with sandstorm Who'da thought Ttar would beat lapras, thats not a good matchup. so yes, boringly standard, with Special Starmie, Offensive TTar and a mixed Garchomp. Mostly the jumpman team, alittle shittier.

Downloaded Lego batman, its AWESOME. really. Highly recomend. but how can you go wrong with legos and batman. seriosly.

PS- there is a clearence thing at Target right now!! Screened (grafic) Ts are $3.25!!! in the mens section! I loaded up! also got a zipper hoodie for $7!!! XD so I dont hane $$ to go get the nice lined hoodie i wanted from kmart, but i have many outfits for work that are cute.

new years, lego batman, christmakwanzikha, gameboy, ds, new years eve, platinum, pearl, rant, games, ranting, battle tower, christmas

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