Oct 01, 2009 09:22
Brina is watching my ponies dvd, and loving it. she hasnt been this still in a long time, just staring... i dont know if she's currently blinking. lol! way to cute. I also brought Snow White and Care Bears the Movie, so we WILL have a good day!
Last night was my long night, but i only ended up staying 1/2 hour later then usual, just called about 30 gals and then left, to much coughing and snorking. But I AM doing better. cough's going away and nose is running but not plugging, so it hink the meds are working their magic (Im taking a cocktail my last doc made up for my allergies and Asthma of Psudaphedrine and Loxamine (?) so psudafed and Claritin. but if you buy the off brands their only $4 each or something crazy low like that. Claratin is like $20 by itself... and its the same thing!) so yes, havnt had to use my inhaler since monday, which is good cause, well, i cant find it. Bad Izzy....
Did anyone else watch criminal minds last night? OMG they have messed up Hodges. like he wasnt already guarded and alittle creepy enough, now he's all sorts of f***ed up. and did anyone catch the new NCIS (origional) on tues? IM SO HAPPY THEIR ALL BACK TOGETHER! ok.. fandom down.... im way to into these crime dramas... cause theres not enough drama in my life, right?
So its actually been cold at night. infact im wearing a sweatshirt caus eth bosses house is a bit cold for me... (cold weather people will be ashames, but its 72 in here, lol im a weinie) I like it cold at night. its nice. I felt bad for the kitties and they all slept inside last night, and so Kiki meowed all night again. like very hour. tonight im sleeping at my house and paying attention to my own deprived at, who when i picked some lunch up last night was SOOOOO lonely. poor pickles... I also have to get pictures of the ratty Trouble who is to adorable! :D Clue's still kickin (been through what, like 3 sidekicks now?) but Trouble is grooming the fur off her. poor thing. naked butt.
I have a new life goal, and its super dorky. I want a picture of my voyager Carl the dog with Carl Kassell from npr. i must think of a way to make this happen. yes... also, if anyone wants to get me an early christmas present find me that carl kassell avatar with him an it says something like "I is in your machine leavin your voicemail" or something. i say it once and was lame and didnt download it. i know im the only one who gets it but god its funny to me.... or a Rod Serling Av.... XD
my little pony,
criminal minds,
fan girl,
wait wait dont tell me