A man a plan a canal panama

Sep 30, 2009 10:04

Palindromes. gatta love them, what is it? a sentance or word that is the same forword or backward. Like Racecar and "oozy rat in a sanitary zoo" "Dogma: I am God" and "Do geese see god" yes... just fun.

Anywho, feeling better today, coughing less and not as violently. and guess what? my allergies have all the syptoms of swime flu! OOOOWW! lemme breathe on ya! its pretty funny though, i got to the front of the line at raleys cause the people in front of me kept moving to the next line and mumbling and staring. I feel like a movie star, or a seriel killer. Feelin alittle Lizzy Borden today, lol! XD what? you dont know that one? Well, growing up as an Elizabeth I can tell you that:

Lizzy Bordon had an ax
Gave her father 40 whacks
and when she thought that she was done
she gave her mother 41

Yes, that was the taunt. i got sent to the office for threatening classmates more then once when i would shout "Your next!" no sense of humor, or humiliation. that and "Fischer-price" were my names... of course, looking back i realize they were really both compliments. being rich or famous, lets see.... lol!

anywho, back to me being a serial killer... even people i know have been weary of me... and i cought EVERY october like CLOCKWORK! so its like 3 days early, big whoop. to everyone who's freaking out about the H1N1- look it up, ITS THE SAME DAMN FLU AS EVERY YEAR. How many people die of the flu each year? well, same as are gunna die this year. and to be honest, people who if they didnt die of this were gunna die of something else. hhmmm... kid with bad immune system dies... old guy dies... aids guy dies.... BE AFRAID OF THE DRUNK DRIVERS. hell, be afraid of the squirrels in the park. everything i have read about the people who died says they had pnumonia. now, i dont read much cause i get angry, but does pnumonia kill people? didnt it kill Burny Mac? (Rest easy good man, we miss you) and almost kill our local Pat Martin? Si. mucho si. Fear Hospital grade pnumonia, i do. seriosly. and fear your oven. it wille at you in your sleep.... and poisen you and burn the house down and eat you and your little dog to....

ok, yes, that was a major rant. i feel much better. as you can see i have my priorities all int he right place. ;) Im glad the boss isnt a freaky parent about her kids. and you know what? their never sick. they ate some mold the other day before we stopped them and you know what? NOTHING HAPPENED. they are fine. you know what penicillin is right? ok, so i think im done.


rant, cough, ranting, palindromes, sick

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