Tastes like success

Jul 16, 2009 09:40

Im trying to hype myself up. I have weighed myself on two different scales, a digital and a traditional one. the traditional says I've lost about 4 lbs but said i weighed more in the begining. the digital says i lost 1 pound but is not set to my proper height, its set for someone else. i dont know which to trust but their going down, and i should have measured my tummy because its going down to. little accomplishments! so just 16-19 lbs to go, right? lol

I havnt stayed totaly on the sparkmeal plan, but i have stayed on the diet in terms of calories, fat and protien. i even get ice cream and brie! god i do love a brie sandwich.... hhhmmmm...... lol

I got Garett star wars clone wars cartoon for his birthday, cause he's a big fan, and Brina and i watched it yesterday. OMG MOST BORING CARTOON EVER. Take all the boring talk and battles with no point you can find from the new Star Wars and take away the kewl cg and animate it poorly. its drawn powerpuff girls style, dont get me wrong, i love powerpuff girls but that style isnt conducive to galactic battle scenes and characters trying to be stoic and brave IMO.

I may be wrong, wouldnt be the first time

So with that rant out of the way. I need to make bracelets! quick! thats what tonight should be i think. bracelet making time. Should have last night but i finally got to catch the pilot of Warehouse 13. thats gunna be a fun show i hope. it has a ton of potential. of course as with all good concepts it could go south really fast to. down mexico way... lol... Sorry, Gene Autry referance.

For anyone who doesnt already read Johns comic, (I type like i know the guy or something) check out


"You'l laugh, you'll cry, you'll kiss three bucks good bye"- hardware wars

actually its free, thats just an awesome quote. damn Im old.... Im not even that old and im old. Im alittle scared. im 24. Im 24 and a nanny with an art degree.... doesnt this seem like a set up for something bad? oh well. Its a good job and Im a good artist and atleast its not a fine art degree. i took real classes to. :D lmao

stereotypist, craft show, food, star wars clone wars, terrible, rant, ranting, bracelets, weight

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