The Humpty Dumpty Affair

Jan 23, 2009 20:43

Title: The Humpty Dumpty Affair
Pairing: George/Alex
Word Count: 3, 074
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Prequel to  "Giving You An Answer" by  loveable_me_87.  Meredith sets out to help George recover from recent emotional damage he's suffered. When she finds him, she discovers something she could've never imagined. Based on quote from Season 2, Episode 21 (Superstition):

"O’Malley, you are a sad excuse for a man….you’re like a whiny little girl…you got laid, it went badly, a man would move on. But you, you mope around this place like a dog that likes to get kicked; you make me sick. And if it wouldn’t get me thrown out of the program, I would smash you’re pathetic little face right into that locker!!”

Disclaimer: All television shows, movies, books, and other copyrighted material referred to in this work, and the characters, settings, and events thereof, are the properties of their respective owners. As this work is an interpretation of the original material and not for-profit, it constitutes fair use. Reference to real persons, places, or events are made in a fictional context, and are not intended to be libelous, defamatory, or in any way factual.
Author's Note: Obviously three months didn't pass between episodes 21 and 25. I exaggerated the time to preserve the continuity from "Giving You an Answer". I guess I should also thank Taylor Swift because my friend got me to listen to "Love Story" which gave me motivation to overcome writer's block. I don't know how, or why, but who cares, enjoy the Gex goodness!!


The Humpty Dumpty Affair

"I am undoing Derek."

These were the words that flowed out of Meredith's mouth as she set down her cafeteria tray and plopped into a chair. Izzie and Christina, the only other people seated at the table, stared with puzzled expressions.

"I have decided that I need to undo Derek by fixing everything that broke when my Derek depression got out of hand," Meredith continued. "You two are making things work with Burke and Denny, which makes you happy people. I am knitting, and I'm dating Finn. Dating Finn and knitting means no sex with Finn, which means that I can't cry during sex with Finn, which means that I can't break Finn and-"

"MEREDITH! What’s your point?!" Christina snapped in an exasperated tone.

"My point is that we are functional and happy, just the way things were before know...but anyways, George isn't working like we are. George is like Humpty Dumpty and I shoved him over the freakin’ wall. What's worse is that Callie was supposed to be the king's men and try to put George back together again!! But, no, Callie has to go and date some urosurgical resident and leave George in more pieces than before!!" Meredith exclaimed.

Izzie sat in silence with a thoughtful expression. “I dunno Mer. I mean, George moved back in like three months ago and he's talking to you again.  Just because he doesn't not at home half the time and only makes small talk with us, it doesn't mean he’s depressed or anything... besides who needs that Callie girl anyways? I mean, she’s dating a urosurgeon for crying out loud!! She’s dating a guy that sees as much penis as she does, and that’s just slutty!!  Seriously though, I'm sure you're just overreacting. Take Alex and me, for example. When I dumped him for Denny, I felt guilty. Instead of clinging onto that baggage, I let go, and look where it got me!! I mean, Alex apologized to me and became best buddies with Denny like the day after we broke up. So don't freak out, I’m sure its fine." Izzie concluded.

"Go with Izzie on this one Meredith," Christina interjected. “Bambi can fend for himself; but if you really need a pick me up, I recommend tequila...or something surgical!! Psssh, screw the alcohol, surgery makes everyone happy!!  Speaking of which, I need to prep Burke's patient for a valve replacement." Christina got up from the table and walked off with her tray.

Izzie immediately followed suit. "Sorry Meredith, I need to read up on protocol for Bailey’s liver biopsy, but I'm sure everything’s alright. See you later!" Izzie rushed off after Christina.

Meredith pondered the situation for a couple minutes and came to a decision. “No," she thought resolutely, "I'm going to find out how to make George better on my own, but first I just need to find him." With a steely glint in her eyes, Meredith left the cafeteria with a mission.


After two hours of fervently searching for George, Meredith resignedly headed to an on call room to take a nap. She’d been up for 30 hours straight and decided to look for George later. Meredith opened the door to the on call room gently, and found a sleeping George to her surprise. “Crap,” she thought to herself, “George must’ve come after I checked here.”

She slipped inside the room and slowly closed the door behind her. As she her eyes accommodated the darkness, Meredith noticed two pairs of scrubs carelessly strewn across the floor. When her eyes focused further, Meredith realized that a sleeping figure under the blanket was present next to George.

“Ugurghe”. George was beginning to stir and wake up; Meredith instinctively dove into a laundry cart in the corner and pulled some spare blankets on top of her. Meredith subtly peeked out form the pile as George began to sit up.

George turned to the sleeping figure under the blanket and asked “Did you hear something?”  The person next to George, still masked by the covers, responded by rolling on top of George.

Meredith heard a familiar masculine voice say “No George, I’m sure it was nothing.” Relax.” A hand shot up to caress George’s face

Meredith inhaled sharply “No, that’s impossible, there’s no freakin’ way in hell it’s him” she inaudibly whispered as a head began to emerge. Meredith was rendered breathless as Alex’s head popped up and planted a firm kiss on George as the two reversed positions.

George settled into Alex’s chest asked he thought to himself. “How did this happen?” he wondered aloud.

In a playful tone, Alex responded “Well it was my turn this time, so I spread my legs and you put your--mhhhmmm” George had cut Alex off with a deep kiss.

“I’m aware of how we take turns to keep things fresh and exciting, but I was talking about how we went form being dumped by chicks to dating each other.” George replied after he came up.

“Well it started when I said ‘O’Malley, you are a sad excuse for a man….you’re like a whiny little girl…you got laid, it went badly, a man would move on. But you, you mope around this place like a dog that likes to get kicked; you make me sick. And if it wouldn’t get me thrown out of the program, I would smash you’re pathetic little face right into that locker!!” Alex recalled.

“Right, and then I stormed after you and told you about how you had no right to judge me and say such things without reason, so I demanded you meet me at Joe’s to explain what possible reason you could have for saying those things. Alex, you were such an ass that day.”

“True, but at least I was a cute ass.”

“Shut up.” George silenced Alex with another kiss.

In the meantime, Meredith felt her mind racing at 100 miles per hour. “I am going to hell; it’s bad enough that I broke George and forced him into the arms of another, but it's another guy. I turned George off of women. Yup, I’m going to hell” Meredith felt a sudden urge to knit as she continued to fathom the idea of George and Alex being a couple. “How could that happen? George and Alex don’t even like each other! Then again, Alex treated Izzie like crap before he started dating her, but it was nothing compared to the wrath George suffered. Alex seems to have stronger feelings for George than he did for Izzie. Maybe there’s some sort of pattern…” Meredith continued on her internal rant when something clicked in her head.

“Of course!!” Meredith would have smacked her forehead if she could. “George barely talks to us because he doesn’t want to give us the slightest reason to suspect his anything. Plus he has Alex to talk to, and do other things with, which explains why he’s never home.” Eventually, Meredith’s contemplation subsided as she allowed her mind to drift and envision the day George and Alex were reminiscing about.


Three months earlier…..

George pulled into the vacant back lot of Joe’s because the front lot was packed with the cars of eager football fans watching the Super Bowl. He heard a car pull up and saw Alex pull up in his Jeep into the adjacent space. The two men got out of their cars and strolled into the bar. They plopped themselves on the barstools in front of the bar and asked Joe for a couple beers. When George had taken his first sip, he turned to face Alex.

Before George could utter a word, Alex interrupted him “O’Malley, I’m here because I have nothing better to do. But I’ve had a crappy day, so I’m not dealing with this right now. So, let’s talk about something else for a couple minutes and then I’ll deal with your issues.”

George, who also had an emotionally exhausting day obliged, and the two began to talk about surgery. The conversation eventually turned to music and the two continued to hit it off. Alex was pleasantly surprised at how much George was making him laugh; he was even more surprised when he looked up at the clock after what felt like half an hour.

“Damn we’ve been talking for three hours. He’s just so easy to talk to; I wonder why we never did this before? Oh right, I kinda have been an ass to him, with the syphilis thing and calling him a chick and what not.” Alex continued to reflect on the situation as George rambled on about some amazing Italian restaurant.

“Well, I guess I misjudged him, he’s actually pretty cool and he has a great sense of humor. And he’s generous and sincere. Not to mention his warm eyes, they’re so comforting an easy to get lost in and oh, the hair of course. Oh God that amazing hair, I just want to run my fingers through it and… WHAT THE HELL AM I THINKING???!!!! ” Alex choked on his beer and tried to recollect his thoughts as he coughed violently.

“You okay? Do you want me to get you some water?” George asked worriedly as he rubbed Alex’s back.  Alex’s muscles froze as he felt George’s touch; the sudden loss of sensation was replaced by a wave of pleasure and longing. Alex weakly shook his head to George’s queries and sank back into his own thought’s as George continued talking about the restaurant.

“Wow, that was really sweet of him, he’s such a compassionate guy and it’s so hard to find a nice person these days… and the way he touched me, it’s like he wanted to protect me in a sexy way I’ve never felt anything like it before… he’s just so damn irresistible and I just need to…CRAP, I’M DOING IT AGAIN!! I’m don’t like guys; and even if I did, what would everyone say? Then again, I’ve never given a crap about what anyone else thinks. Plus George isn’t just any guy, he’s so kind and honest and mind blowingly attractive and….UGGGH!! THIS NEEDS TO STOP!!  ”

“Alex!!” Alex snapped out of his thoughts and turned to face George. George took a sip of his beer, and resumed when he gotten Alex’s attention. “I know you weren’t paying attention to what I was saying. Is it because you’re thinking about how I’ve been acting about Meredith?”

Alex subconsciously rolled his eyes; that was the last thing on his mind. George on the other hand, mistook the action as an expression of disgust.

George inhaled deeply and began. “Look…I know you think that I’ve been acting like a ‘chick’…that I’m weak and pathetic and acting depressed for no good reason. And… you’re right, kind of, cause somehow when we were kissing and having sex it didn’t feel just right, like I thought it would. But when she cried, when I realized she was using me for sex to block out the pain, she didn’t just break my heart. It was like she abused it and spit it out. More than feeling sorry for myself, I just feel betrayed. But, I mean, that’s okay because this feeling can’t last forever, right? But the fact that it didn’t feel perfect with Meredith…I’m just angry because I don’t know what was off…and I’m scared because well…I want to be loved and if I didn’t with the girl of my dreams, then when will it happen. Do you get what I’m saying?” George took a look at Alex’s unreadable expression

Alex was biting down on his lip. He wanted to hug George, to comfort him, to tell him it everything would work out. Alex snapped back to his senses when he felt the metallic taste of blood on his tongue. “No,” he thought “I can’t give anything away. I’m not falling for George, this has to be a phase because Izzie broke up with me today. Still, the guy poured his heart out to me, so I can’t be a total ass.”

Alex cleared his throat and replied sarcastically. “I’m not sure what I’m more embarrassed about, the fact that you said that or the fact that I understood it.”

“Crap,” he thought, “that came out all wrong”

Before he had the chance to apologize for his insensitive comment, George countered.     “Don’t act like you can’t relate. You and Izzie obviously broke up today, so you…” George trailed of at the sight of Alex’s countenance. The taller man looked shocked and angry at the same time.

“No, finish your sentence.” Alex evenly stated.

“Well Izzie obviously broke up with you, so you’re channeling your hurt feelings toward me like you did in the locker room.” George glanced at Alex, only to see a mixture of incredulity and fury still on his face.

“How could you have possibly known that? She didn’t get the chance to tell anyone because she scrubbed in on a surgery right after she broke up with me.” Alex was amazed that he hadn’t punched George out yet.

“I’m….. well, you see I…..I’m pretty good at reading you. Normally you would have gone home with Izzie any day rather than talk to me for hours. That and you’ve only had one beer since we’ve been here so I figured something was know…if only  I could read girls half as well as I can read you, then I would be in business, am I right!!” George awkwardly held up his hand for a high five. Alex glared at the shorter man

George put his hand down as he sheepishly said, “That was a high five…you were supposed to slap it…..”

Alex rose suddenly and turned to face George. “I know what it was for,” he barked. Alex stormed out of the bar.

George left $10 on the bar to cover for the beers before he followed after Alex.

As Alex strode over to his car, his mind continued to race with thoughts of the night.        “Fine, so the guy completely understands me. So what if that’s the one thing I both want and need in the world. He can’t just talk to me that way because he’s hot…GAH! NOT AGAIN! Seriously though, in all fairness he wasn’t trying to be mean, I guess.”

Alex had reached his Jeep and was between the two vehicles when he felt George grab his arm. Alex shuddered and whirled around to face the shorter man, breaking the grip in the process.

“What do you want, O’Malley!!” Alex snapped a little more forcefully than intended.

George reached out and placed his hands on Alex’s shoulders. “Alex,” George started, “I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings…I didn’t mean to. But don’t go please; don’t leave like this. You always have this emotional wall set up to barricade yourself against others and you just let me in. Let me stay, because I don’t like seeing you in pain. You don’t have to go through this alone. ** We don't have to go through this alone. Its like you said, we need to man up and move on. So  I'll make you a deal: if you apologize to Izzie and make nice with Denny, I'll move back in with Mer and make nice with her. Deal?”

Alex nodded weakly, trying in vain to resist the overpowering urges.**

George was sincerely trying to be a compassionate friend. Alex shivered slightly and stared into George’s tender, understanding eyes. Alex’s hand moved to cup George’s face as his gaze moved to George’s luscious , shaggy, chocolate hair. A thought suddenly struck Alex. “The total understanding, the loving eyes, the irresistible hair; this is freakin’ fantastic, I’m being McDreamied.”

Alex was finally giving in; it was too difficult and too draining to resist the feeling. With a sigh of resignation he whispered “I’m sorry George.”

George appeared confused. “Sorry for wh-”

Before George could finish his sentence, he was cutoff by Alex’s lips pressed against his. George stood abashed for a couple seconds, when he was suddenly felt raw fiery passion reverberate through his body, mingles with the sensations of relief and comfort. George instantly knew that this was how it was supposed to feel like when you found the one. George kissed Alex back with all the zeal he could muster, his tongue immediately prying for an entrance into Alex’s mouth. Alex wrapped his arms around George and pulled him as close as possible as he felt George’s tongue sweep over his own. George enthusiastically jumped up and wrapped his arms and legs around Alex as the wrestler swung around and pinned him to the Jeep. After what felt like an eternity they broke apart and embraced each other, each inhaling the other’s compelling scent.


George moved his head from its position on Alex’s bare chest to make eye contact with the man. “And that’s how we started dating and how we** cleared the debris of our disastrous romances. That deal was the best rule of our relationship**.Though I must admit, the no sex until 2 weeks of dating rule really did wonders for our sex life. Who would have thought you’d technically be the girl?!” George playfully finished.

Alex lifted his head slightly. “Other than the fact that I spread’em the first time and the fact that you protect me,” Alex made a face “which I guess I really need, why would I be the girl?”

“You ripped my all my clothes off the first time we did it. Even after that, you still shredded my shirt the 5 times after that.”

“Point taken.” Alex grumbled as he glanced up at the clock. “Well, I need to head to the nursery to help Dr. Montgomery-Shepherd prep for surgery.”

“That’s fine, I’m scrubbing in with Dr. Burke in half an hour anyways.”

The couple got dressed and fixed their hair to cover any telltale signs. George reached out from behind Alex and grabbed his boyfriend by the waist.

“Alex Karev, I know of this amazing Italian place and I was wondering if you’d like to go out to dinner on a date.” George uttered smoothly as he kissed Alex’s ear.

Alex turned around to face George. He smiled his characteristic crooked smile and slyly said “Sure, it’s a date. I couldn’t think of a better way to spend my Friday night. Well, actually I can, but that part comes after dinner anyways so…” Alex pecked George lightly on the lips and left the room. George followed suit 5 minutes later.

The second she heard the door close, Meredith pulled herself out of the laundry cart and stretched heartily. She couldn’t help smiling as walked out of the on call room thinking, “I don’t need to fix George. Looks like Alex was there a long time ago with a bottle of super glue in his hand.”


pairing: george/alex, fandom: grey's anatomy

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