Sinner in the Hands of Love

Oct 09, 2009 22:35

 Yelling. Threatening. Berating. Karev was hurting; there was no doubt about it. Part of it was the fact that Izzie had dumped him, but something else was bothering Alex.  He would never admit it, but he was confused about his feelings for George. The former wrestler had always known he was bisexual (and he sure as hell knew that George was too), but he never expected the only guy he fell for to be a clumsy, puppy-eyed dork.  Karev just wanted the feelings to go away, to stop bothering him at all times of the day, so he took his frustration on George (as if George was the one to blame). Even though Alex tried to appear happier at work the next day, neither man was fooled. The truth was that although Alex had yelled at George to make himself feel better, he just felt worse. Alex had sinned.

Work. Leave. Eat. Sleep. Repeat. After his blowup, that's all Alex would do, and really nothing else. He refused to think about anything other than work, be it McDreamy calling Meredith a whore, or Izzie's relationship with Denny, or his own personal feelings for George. Especially his romantic feelings for George. So when George had asked him" Alex, are you okay?", the taller man predictably responded with an offhanded "yeah" and walked away, both of them knowing that he was anything but. The truth was that Alex had resorted to doing nothing, hoping that he could just wait out his desires and eventually be rid of them, but it wasn't working. Alex had sinned.

Wish. Want. Need. Alex eventually realized that his idea of waiting out his emotions wasn't going to work. The fact of the matter was that Alex was going to eventually go after George. One night, after a long shift, Alex found himself alone in the elevator with George on their way to the parking lot. The temptation started to weigh on him; it was only the two of them in a small metal box and this might not happen again for a long time. The tall man tried to talk himself out of going after O Malley, but greed eventually won over. He was going to get O Malley, and nothing was going to stop him.  As the elevator sped down past the second floor, Karev suddenly whirled around, grabbed the back of George's neck and kissed him deeply in one swift motion; after a split second George began kissing back. The two men broke the kiss when they heard the familiar ding of the first floor bell. Karev walked out wordlessly into the chilly night. The truth was that Alex regretted his greed because he was afraid he was going to lose more than he gained. He gained George's heart. He feared he'd destroy both of theirs. Alex had sinned.

Lips parted. Teeth clashed. Tongues battled. Bodies rubbed up against one another, creating even more heat between the two men as they ravaged each other in the on call room. Alex groaned as the hand on his chest slid down to his hard-on. The passion was there, the need for one another was there. But in true Alex fashion, he labeled it "meaningless sex". Alex kept telling himself that this was casual pointless sex with George. The truth was that although it may have started off that way, they were going in a totally different direction now. Alex had sinned.

Izzie and Denny. Burke and Christina. Meredith and Derek. Alex saw what they all had: a relationship. Not just a physical relationship, but an emotional relationship. Both O'Malley and Karev knew that if anyone needed someone for emotional dependency, it was Alex.  Karev was jealous; he wanted the same of support everyone around him had. So when George was paged to an empty on call room with a half naked Alex in bed, the semi nude man asked him what his favorite color was. "Green", George replied with a hint of suspicion. "Favorite animal?" "Dinosaur" George replied with more uncertainty. The exchange went on for several minutes before George finally said " Alex, what the hell is going on?' Alex took a deep breath and replied "This isn't enough. Just the sex, it’s not enough anymore. I want what all of them have. I want more." Alex held his breath waiting for a response. George smiled internally and curtly replied “Fair enough." To Alex's surprise, he and George spent three hours doing nothing but talking. What was even more surprising was that it felt better than sex in a way. The truth was that although Alex's jealousy had been soothed, he was still questioning if he deserved what everyone else had. Alex had sinned.

Dawn.Noon.Midnight. No matter what time of day it was and wherever they were Alex just couldn't get enough of George. Alex couldn't get his fill of talking with George, having sex with George and even just hanging out with the shorter man. Alex knew his constant appetite for his boyfriend was starting to raise suspicion among their friends. Although Bailey's interns had all "made up" shortly after George & Alex started dating, the girls constantly wondered where George spent all those late nights and his free time. Izzie, Meredith and even Christina (though she would never admit it) all missed George. The truth was that Alex was perfectly aware of the effect his need of George was having on the girls and he felt guilty every time he thought about it. However, on every occasion, the guilt would evaporate the second he felt George's firm lips against his own. Alex had sinned.

Here. And. Now. Alex had always been a proud man; it was one of the few things he said he had going for him. He was proud of being a survivor, proud of being a doctor, and most of all, proud of being in a relationship with George. Even so, Alex and George had been together for six months and were still a secret. It wasn't because either man was afraid of being outed; they just didn't want to deal with their coworkers finding out for as long as possible. However, both of them knew secrets were never safe at Seattle Grace.  
Everything came out into the open at Joe's. Alex was just stepping into the bar when he was rushed by his flustered boyfriend.

“Alex, they know. About us. Well not about us but about me and you who they don't know about? George rambled.

Alex arched an eyebrow at George "Huh?"

The shorter man exhaled and tried to explain again " Izzie, Meredith and Christina. They know I've been dating someone, they just don't know who."

Alex looked over George to see the girls sitting at the bar. They glanced at the pair before going back to talking and pointing at other women in the bar. "How did they find out?"

George sighed before replying “They asked me to hang out with them tomorrow and I accidentally said I can't because I have my anniversary dinner. So know they're starting to put everything together and I don't know what to do...I mean I want to tell them about you but I don't want to out us. I can't. Not like this because--"

But before George could finish his sentence, Alex was already halfway to the bar the girls were sitting. George nearly ran after him to catch up as they approached the girls

Izzie was the first one to look up at him before shooting a dirty look at George " Oh hey Alex! Did you know George has been dating someone for the past few months! Do you know who it is??!!" the eager blond rambled at him.

Alex paused and slung his arm over George's shoulder before coolly answering        ”Yup, it’s me"

Christina and Meredith gave Alex strange looks. George began turning red and sputtering as Izzie sarcastically replied”Yeah, of course Alex.  Because, even if you were gay, you'd totally date George" as she rolled her eyes.

George glanced up at Alex. The former wrestler had a twinkle in his eye and was wearing his characteristic half-smirk as he said "No seriously, I'm dating George and I'm pretty damn proud of it". And with that he leaned in and kissed George right in the middle of the bar.

If George wasn't turned on by Alex's comment, then Alex's kiss was surely doing the trick. It was a perfect balance of compassion and affection, heat and coolness, desperation and content. Alex continued this kiss, opening his lips slightly for George's tongue to slip in and work its magic. Within a minute, the room had come to a standstill and everyone was whispering as they stared at George and Alex. Finally, after his lungs started to burn for air, Alex pulled back. Without so much as a glance at anyone else, Alex placed his hands on George's shoulders and said "So since the girls know about us know, I figure it’s time for you, to ya know, move in. Sounds good?"

George tried to hold back a grin "Yeah sure".

Alex bit back a smile of his own. "Cool, I'll see you at home then." He pecked his lover on the lips before turning around and confidently striding out of the bar leaving his shocked coworkers and hiss speechless group of friends in his wake.

The truth was that Alex was proud that he'd finally found love. Alex had sinned. But it was okay, because George loved him back.

pairing: george/alex, fandom: grey's anatomy

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