Jul 11, 2010 12:45
At least now I know what to say when people ask why we broke up. Because she was a lying whore. Ok so I'm not really going to say that of course. Don't know if I regret going through all her texts last night or not. She told me the other day that she wanted to be with someone else at the end of the relationship until her friend met him and she "woke the hell up." (Also she said I'm too good for her and she's use to being treated badly). What she didn't say was that she slept next to him at that same friend's house on or about July 3rd. And yes we were broken up at the time but we agreed that if we found someone else we'd tell the other person. Well that's riding the honesty line. So in her last texts to him she basically said she was done with him because she was tired of doing "whatever is we are doing" and she was tired of him talking to her and then not talking to her for days or weeks and worrying about if he's ok. Done with his games pretty much. Guess she didn't learn the first time when he lied to her to get her into bed (before I knew her). So I confronted her about sleeping next to him and not being honest and saying previously that Matt was just a friend and I shouldn't worry about him. Also I asked when it was that she decided she wanted to be with him and she said when her mom was here. Which was a little before she broke up with me. Yup, so that's about it, have a good life. Have fun proving your grandma wrong that you can't do it on your own.
Now if Facebook would stop recommending this asshole Matt as a friend it'd be great :P